Sumatra Thread!

I am also showing at the Sussex show !! I'm bringing 15 birds to show and 5 for sale and you do not have to bath your birds unless they are dirty. in this cold I do not recommend bathing unless apsolutly needed and the horses pray is called show sheen be careful when u use it because if it is dusty and windy then the shaving with stick to the birds
Also it does have a smell, and a good judge will know what you did to the bird.

Quote: A good judge is not going to care if you use the horse conditioner or not. If it works the best well then use it because it will help you in the long run. Bathing a bird is important down here it gets so dusty. That the judges will smell the birds and if the bird smells dirty the judge is allowed to doc some points. That is how it works down here. But even if it dose not get dusty the good smell helps the judge understand that you are taking good care of your birds. Just something to think about.
Wow .. you must have seriously increased your sumatra hen numbers since last time you said you had 7 hens laying 12 eggs a day and now your up to 12 dozen sumatra eggs a day.. How many sumatra hens do you have? I'm just curious to see how many sumatra hens it takes to lay 12 dozen eggs a day. Mine haven't laid an egg regularly for a while now due to molting.
One of the show contestants.

A drawing of mine.

A old English game i drew.

probably my best drawing of a la fleche
those are some nice drawings Ralph
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How far are you from Des Moines, NM? I have a son who lives in Des Moines, and we go there every summer. I would so love to get breeding stock or hatching eggs in future. Dee, Wild Rose Farm, Glenwood Iowa.

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