Sumatra Thread!


My daughter has a trio of Black Sumatra's that she purchased to raise as a 4-H Project. They were purchased from a breeder and are high quality birds. I've fallen in love with the birds they're sweethearts!

I do a significant amount of hatching my own birds. We have so far had zero luck getting any Sumatra eggs to hatch. We have been trying for over a year. I broke down and ordered 6 straight run chicks from Sand Hill Preservation in hopes to get a few more girls.

I would appreciate any help and advice.

We have a similar story for Sumatra's! My daughter was given one by a friend and after two seasons have had no luck at all getting a chick to hatch! Everyone on this thread makes it sound so easy but I guess we just aren't meant to have them. Good luck with you order and enjoy!
We have a similar story for Sumatra's! My daughter was given one by a friend and after two seasons have had no luck at all getting a chick to hatch! Everyone on this thread makes it sound so easy but I guess we just aren't meant to have them. Good luck with you order and enjoy!

I feel bad. I do not want anyone to give up on sumatras. They are so unique. It is not just you that has problems hatching. There are a lot of factors that I have personally encountered. First of all, are the eggs fertile but do not develop? I use a method of dry incubation for the sumatra eggs only. I get 96 to mainly 100 % hatch rate with fertile eggs with that method. I do not use a "lockdown method." If eggs are not fertile ever, I try moving hens to a more open outdoor run. With lots of grass and plants to forage for will sometimes changes that problem. I do have one pullet that I cannot get a single fertile egg from. She lays 5 to 6 eggs a week too. I even have tried an AI process out of desperation but no results. Sadly I will more than likely not be using her in the program and she will only be good for the stew pot. It is strange because she comes from a good layer and one of the easiest hens to hatch from. I hope you keep trying. Sometimes just talking to the breeder to whom the birds came from will help. They will sometimes hook you up with another bird or two. :)
We have a similar story for Sumatra's! My daughter was given one by a friend and after two seasons have had no luck at all getting a chick to hatch! Everyone on this thread makes it sound so easy but I guess we just aren't meant to have them. Good luck with you order and enjoy!

Have you tried other birds? Like another rooster maybe? Maybe yours is infertile. I don't think fate has anything to do with you unsuccessfully hatching a Sumatra. If you can hatch an egg you can hatch a Sumatra egg....a fertile one of course. Try again and good luck!:)
We have a similar story for Sumatra's! My daughter was given one by a friend and after two seasons have had no luck at all getting a chick to hatch! Everyone on this thread makes it sound so easy but I guess we just aren't meant to have them. Good luck with you order and enjoy!
If you don't succeed the first time or second time try try again. I had the worst luck for the first three years of hatching out chicks. This year has finally been a good year for me, So don't give up. Your luck may change with the wind.
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My daughter has a trio of Black Sumatra's that she purchased to raise as a 4-H Project. They were purchased from a breeder and are high quality birds. I've fallen in love with the birds they're sweethearts!

I do a significant amount of hatching my own birds. We have so far had zero luck getting any Sumatra eggs to hatch. We have been trying for over a year. I broke down and ordered 6 straight run chicks from Sand Hill Preservation in hopes to get a few more girls.

I would appreciate any help and advice.
Quote: I am trying dry incubation method this hatch. I have also purchased 6 Straight Run Black Sumatras from Sand Hill Preservation. Lastly, I am looking for another fancier near the Jamestown, NY area that I might be able to purchase another rooster and hens from this fall. Thanks for the support!

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