Sumatra Thread!

IDK, I'd try craigslist and the auction sites here, etc. I wish I was closer or planning a road trip to cali, I'd love to breed him. I saw a black sumatra for $50 (mature good stock) and I recently sold 2 juvenile boys for $25 each and probably could have gotten more but I had to thin my flock quickly. It took about 2-3 days to sell those birds.

Any chance you're taking a northern-bound road trip any time soon? hehe.
My only travel plans are Chicago at the end of the month, sorry.

I'm still hoping that it's a pullet, it sounds like a pullet and acts like a pullet, it's red face worries me though...
I've been told this before.

If he is a boy he will have to be rehomed. Any idea what I should ask for him, or should I just put him on BidBird when the time comes and let the auctionees decide?

If it's a roo and you're willing to ship, we should talk. I'm not familiar with how to go about shipping adult birds, but I hear of folks doing it, so there must be a way.
I've been told this before.

If he is a boy he will have to be rehomed. Any idea what I should ask for him, or should I just put him on BidBird when the time comes and let the auctionees decide?

If it's a roo and you're willing to ship, we should talk. I'm not familiar with how to go about shipping adult birds, but I hear of folks doing it, so there must be a way.

I'll keep you in mind, thanks.
yep, that's definitely a girl, sumatras do have a rooish looking face even on the girls, but there's a big head difference in the males once you get familiar with them


for adult shipping all you have to do is use a Biosecure shipping box (Horizon is the main Brand name) AND SHIP Express mail

unfortunately, with the box and average shipping you'll have $80 in shipping one bird to you

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