Sumatra Thread!

Chick #2 is zipping!
yep with all the shades possible in blue and dun, it can be very hard at hatch time to tell some of them apart from platinum, light blue and smokey dun are real colose to the same down color as platinums
I'm pretty sure this chick is Platinum. It looks almost exactly like my cockerel did as a chick, it's down is actually a little lighter and more silvery than my cockerel's was. The other chick that hatched with it I believe is a Blue, and they look very different.

I guess the only way to know for sure is to wait until they start feathering out, I'll try to get some pictures of both of them tonight.

I've got 4 more eggs that go into lockdown on Thursday, I'm hoping for a Dun chick in this group.
After lots of rain and mud, which my Sumatras seem to completely ignore, my black roos feathers are a bit slicked out. I took this photo of him last Sunday, and he does remind me of a pheasant with his feathers all sticky and dirty.

He is still completely unwilling to be handled, so for the photos I had to use a leash: horse lead rope snap fit perfectly above his spurs without pinching but does look terrible. I tried photoshopping it out, but it looked a bird with deformed legs ;)

Still no eggs from the hens...but it's been cold again lately so not surprising.

My newest babies!

What I'm pretty sure is a Blue Sumatra.


My first Platinum.


Another 4 eggs go into lockdown tomorrow. I also have 8 more eggs going into the incubator tonight, 3 of my own and 5 that I purchased from an EBAY. Any chicks that hatch from the EBAY eggs will be Khaki Sumatras. This is the second time I have tried hatching these eggs, the first set I were all clear when I candled on day 18, the seller was very understanding and shipped me these eggs free! Here's to hoping for development!

Jeremy, I tried hundreds of dollars of that ebay sellers khaki eggs. *If* you can get one to hatch, prepare to keep it in an ultra-sterile environment. Of all the eggs I bought, only a few made it to lockdown, only one hatched and it was a failure to thrive - wouldn't eat, hardly moved. That sellers blue sumatra, however, did very well for shipped eggs and when they mistakenly sent me gold laced cochins, they did well also.

Vetgirl got a couple to hatch if I recall, but she spent a lot, too. I hope you have better luck!
I'll ask this again. It didn't get answered last time I asked. My Splash pullet should be laying any time now. When the time comes to add a cockerel should I give her a black or a blue?

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