SunFlock - RavineFlock - MoonFlock - NightFlock RP Thread

she mutters something under her breath that sounded oddl like "oh great, another flirter" then she coughs

dawnrising "runningleaf, you uh, better get out of the line of fire"

leaf nod and quickly moves to the edges.

bloodyspur waits

"Bloodyspur" she said coldly, but yet calmly " You for now, are, for now, a slave till otherwise, for your wild tounge that nearly got use all killed, putting the flock in danger, AND for attacking for no reason"

he glares at her, as if thinking "how dare this young, puny hen tell me what to do" but says nothing

she then turns to oakstar (?) "sorry about that" she said, keeping a eye on bloodyspur as runningleaf, who was being careful around the tick rooster leads him away "i am sorry you hade to come to sunflock at this time, are you looking to join or....?"

"I'm looking to join," said Oakpath. "I've been out, alone, in the wilderness for quite some time now, and a haven't spoken or had a proper or meal in weeks."
(Will you om me?)

LighteningStrike calmly peered around the edge of the cave where the group was, his stormy eyes watching the FoxTail curiously.

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