SunFlock - RavineFlock - MoonFlock - NightFlock RP Thread


And Kevin can be my deputy!!
Mmkay, I'll be here for a couple of minutes. Be sure to send you clan stuff to me once you've got it typed up. :3
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poor sunflock :( the first every flock, and every one is ignoring it *but you*, but anyway!

Runningleaf looks at oak*forgot last part XD* "come on" he saide, then glares at bloodysurs

"fine, coming" he mumbles *bloodyspurs*
poor sunflock :( the first every flock, and every one is ignoring it *but you*, but anyway!

Runningleaf looks at oak*forgot last part XD* "come on" he saide, then glares at bloodysurs

"fine, coming" he mumbles *bloodyspurs*

Oakpath followed the little rooster.

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