Supplies to have on hand - chime in please!!!

extra bedding
extra bulbs
i like to have an extra water & feeder incase i have to seperate any

vetrx is great for breathing issues
corrid incase you get cocci( or use medicated start and grow if they are little)
i also like the fowl pox vaccination!!!!!!!!!!
And sevin dust!!!! for lice & mites
no worries we have our supply of good thick canadian back bacon in the freezer hehehee
Play chick...super have no roosters though. All hens!! thank you for the info, this is great. I just would hate having an emergency and not having the proper supplies on hand. I have small children and I used to be a first Aider at a mine, so all my First Aid kits are full to the gills. I used to have reptiles, so plenty of bulbs and stuff od the sort, but it never hurts to have more. but if I hadn't asked I wouldn't have known about vitamins or the vinegar for the water?? sevin dust etc...great to have good experienced people here.

Having a full first aid kit is great. . . do you have vet wrap? It's like coban, but for animals. . . coban would probably work. Betadine is also good to have. When one of my birds gets pecked a little heavily, I use a fresh bottle of water with a squirt of betadine in it, just so it looks like weak tea, to rinse the wound out with. I also have a few syringes and needles, just in case I need to give something after hours, and aspirin for pain, as you can dilute that in water for them. Neosporin, without pain reliever in it is good to have around, as are popsicle sticks in case you need to splint a leg, and Rooster Booster Pick-No-More, to discourage pecking wounds.
Doras Mom you sound like a nurse, like me
Anyway, to the OP, it sounds like you have a well stocked first aid kit. I have used Coban that I accidentally (honest!) left in my pocket from work, and it worked well, but I have never used vet wrap. We also keep normal saline on hand for wound irrigation or emergencies, syringes (irrigation, feeding, etc.), triple antibiotic ointment, vaseline, and gloves. Gloves are SO nice to have, especially if you ever need to check a vent
I actually have vet wrap left over from whenmy dog busted his leg. Vet gave it to me because my dog kept chewing it

I like to be prepared just in case. specially in winter, in case we end up being snowed in, which happens

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