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Website recommends - well this one duh!

I never used a thermometer just watch the chicks if they crowd under the light it needs to be closer if they avoid it (too hot) move it further away. Just make sure that nothing can tip it over (fire hazard) while your not house cat or dog......

I also would dig up a chunk of grass for them to scratch around in @ about 2-3 weeks...

Re: Monitoring - I work 9-5 5 days a week and they were just fine.....

They are smarter than us. They don't need a thermometer to tell them if they are comfortable

After the first day or so we never worried about checking them during the day unless there was a major weather change or power outage or some other factor.

we are just getting back into chickens after being without for 10 years or so.
My wife no longer works in town so I'm guessing she will be checking them at least every 10 minutes or so, at least the first couple of weeks
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I have raised baby chicks for going on 2 years now, I have an incubator and when they hatch I put them in a rubbermaid tote. I use paper towels in the bottom for a week and I use a Light that clips on to the top and I use a 100 watt light bulb. I use a no drown waterer and a feeder for the first two weeks them I put them in a pen that my husband built for me and I attach the light to it and I switch the no drown waterer to a regular waterer and use the same feeder. I also put cedar shavings in the bottom of the pen. I use chick starter as it is medicated and I use it until they are 17 weeks and then change over to the layer crumbles. I order my supplies from Cutler's Supply. this is there web Hope this helps and good luck.
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My order arrived before I had the 4x4 foot brooder built, so I went to Walmart and got the 90 gallon tote for 10 dollars i think. i had 25 chicks in that for 2 weeks, Then moved them into the 4x4.

I bought some hardware cloth and crimped the edges so it fit over the tote. The heat source was a standard old brooder lamp with a 250 watt bulb. I had the light hung from a beam in the garage so there was no way for it to fall, lean etc. Figure about 18 inches, then see how thry do and adjust accorfingly. If they are huddled in a tight ball, it is too far away. if they form a ring around center but not underneath move it farther away. Put your hand underneath and see if it is toasty for you. It is right when they look comfortable and not stressed. No need for a thermometer.

I use burlap for the first three days or so, to prevent sprattle leg,. then add in pine shavings. I have a pile of burlap i got for free, so that is what I use.
Once i moved them to the big brooder, I used straw.

As for waterers, with 19 chicks a quart size is sufficient for awhile. i do put marbles in the bottom, not for fear of drowning but bath in it and get chilled. I also place on a block of 2x4 to keep the shavings from filling up the feeder and waterer.

I always used non medicated feed so you want the feed in feeders so thay dont eat their own poop. I put a little bowl in there for worms or chopped greens for treats.

Ay 5 weeks old, I hang bundles of greens and let them pick at it. It gives them something to do besides quarrel with wach other.

You dont need grit f you are feeding processed feed, since it is already milled. The purpose of grit is when you feed whole or cracked grains as they need the stones in their gizzard to do the grinding action for them.

Feed the chick starter (which has higher protien for good growth and development) for 8 weeks of age, After that put them on all purpose or a grower which is less protien. At about 20 weeks put them on a layer ration, since they will begin laying at about 24 weeks give oer take.

instead of vitamins, or medicated feed i clean the brooder often, and change water daily ro prevent disease. When they arrive, i take them out of the box and dip their beak in the water which should be about room temp. i add 3 tablesppons of sugar to one gallon of water and use this booster mixture for about a week or so.

Just check on them when you get up and when you get home. of course you will want to play with them more often than that.

Thats it! The chickens will tell you when it is time to provide a bigger waterer or feeder as you have to fill it more than once aday. Also when it is time to give them more room. crowded conditions make them very crabby (same as us), and you will tell when it is time to upgrade.

That is pretty much waht the books say, and I have proven it works time and time again. have fun, and if you have any specifics always feel free to PM me or email.
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