Surely, I'm not the only one....?

Wow, at last a person with a wonderful personality who can admit the un-admitable! I'm not sociable either, but it took SpeckledHen to say it before I could.
I had to chuckle. I am a bit antisocial too.

I just simply don't go the weddings, showers, graduations & what ever other party invitation comes along. I get tired of being invited by people I hardly know. I don't go and I dont feel one bit guilty about it. My husband keeps telling me that soon people will stop inviting me. One can only hope cause it hasnt happened yet.

There was a recent wedding where I know the bride & groom just went through the phone book and invited just about everyone. Since they both grew up in the area and "everyone knows everyone" they invited them all. I guess the more you invite the more gifts you get.

When I had my wedding, i put a limit on how many my husband & his parents could invite. I was not about to have a 300+ wedding with all his aunts/uncles/cousins/neices/nephews & ppl he never sees much less talks to. I barely had 30 people there, family included the rest of 150 were his mothers relatives
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I agree with speckled hen - I am anti social - been there - done that - didn't like it - don't want to do it again - rather stay home and play with the chickies!!!!
Oh thank goodness. I've finally found all of my long lost sisters!!
Y'all must be related to me.

I do enjoy getting together with close friends and family and celebrating. Weddings, babies, that's good stuff, and I don't mind a party. But it gets excessive, and it's the excess I can't wrap my brain around. I'm also not very social--like I said, close friends and family, that's good enough for me.

When I was pregnant we had FOUR baby showers. My work, my friends from the "barn" (I used to be very involved showing horses), and my family & close friends all threw me a separate party. AND the ladies at my husband's office threw him one, too!!
Don't misunderstand me, I was very thankful for all of the people who wanted to celebrate with us and help us as we started a family and I love them all for it. But I just wish that there was a way to let people know that they didn't need to do all of that. It was also (going back to that anti-social thing, I guess) a bit uncomfortable for me to be in the center of all that attention, with all of that money being spent! Whew!

Though you know what bothers me more than showers--and please, I don't mean to offend anyone--are those in-home multi-level marketing parties. Like Tastefully Simple and that stamping stuff? Pampered Chef? I even like some of the products (well, the Pampered Chef stuff, I love me some kitchen gadgetry!!
), I just really am averse to the idea of getting together for the purpose of buying something--and then, even though no one ever pressures you to buy, you still feel obligated. I know it's a good way for some people, especially stay-at-home moms, to make some extra cash...I just don't like them. My sister-in-law, I swear she has like one a week of these parties!! All different kinds! Food stuff, kitchen stuff, scrapbooking stuff, stamping stuff, purses, jewelery...I think she's finally got the picture--I quit even RSVPing, I just toss the invites, I can't take it anymore!
Ugggg. :| The female wedding and baby rituals. I say just drop the gift off on the door step, ring the bell, and RUN. Now THATS exciting.

I can't stand 'hen' parties. My husband thinks I am unfriendly, and maybe I am.....but I just hate spending 2 hours with pantyhose on, drinking punch that gives you cotton mouth, and wishing that bowl of mixed nuts was a Big Mac.

I'm a realist, and it's best that I stay away from showers. I might just blurt out how fast the bills start piling up after the honeymoon, or how quickly spit-up starts to smell.
Okay, now I so want to have a party with you ladies! It would be the anti-social, un-party. We could all wear our comfiest clothes, no makeup, eat real food and have a fine time. You wouldn't be allowed to RSVP. If you showed up, great. If not, we would miss you and think of you fondly. We could even have a hermit room in the back so when somebody just couldn't stand the crowd anymore they could retreat. No gifts allowed, unless it was fertile eggs to trade or baby chicks to play with.

I would go to a chicken shower. In a heartbeat!

(I also think Home Depot should host singles mixers, but that's just me.
If you showed up, great. If not, we would miss you and think of you fondly.

If you didn't, we would then proceed to talk about you behind your back.

Im glad I am not the only one who feels that way!

I had an invite to a grad party to a second cousin I barely knew...not many people showed up to it and it was a waste of time and money thinking we got a big family means, we are going to get alot of cash money for school or new car. It didnt bother me one bit!

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