Surgery a few days ago, was doing great, now lethargic

Sorry about Maybelle losing the keratin layer off the top beak. Luckily, that may grow back, but her beak will be very sensitive and prone to injuries while it is growing back. Some beak injuries can be repaired with paper from an empty tea bag and super glue. But I would be reluctant to do anything at this point. An avian vet would be the best one to advise. Here is a link about beaks:
Poor girl, life wont give her break. If you make the mash soupy, with cold water in, does she find that easier? Pecking at it is good, at least she's taking an interest.

My duck cracked her beak a while ago, not sure how similar this is, but it healed up real fast with a bit of care.
I'd make sure the water is kept really clean, and if you have some, you could apply a small amount of neosporin (or triple anitbiotic without pain relief) to the area that is broken (where it is bleeding). I do this with any beak scuffs or cracks, and they heal up real fast.

Its a tricky situation, because she does need her food and does need her meds, but you could hurt her beak in the process. I think you just have to be as gentle as possible and hope for the best. Take one thing at a time. This girlie is more than a fighter, and she's in good hands.
I'm going to try another soupy mash today. Fingers crossed. I'll add sunflower seeds, her favorite. I've read they can cause an impaction though so hesitant with those too. Seems we're always walking on eggshells! She has two days left of meds!
She is wanting to eat, finally...but isn't able now. How long until this should be healed enough? This makes me so sad for her. She's come so far and now another thing.

I saved one Meloxicam for a rainy day. I don't think there's any harm in giving it now? Maybe it'll help?
She is wanting to eat, finally...but isn't able now. How long until this should be healed enough? This makes me so sad for her. She's come so far and now another thing.

I saved one Meloxicam for a rainy day. I don't think there's any harm in giving it now? Maybe it'll help?
I'm not sure the meloxicam will really do much, but you could give her a small dose if you feel it is causing her pain.

I'm not sure how long it will take to grow a stronger layer, but if I had to guess I'd say she'd be feeling better in a week or two. I think you should stick to your original plan, with getting her off meds and soon trying to get her eating on her own, just monitor her eating really close incase you do need to do some tube feedings still.
A deep food dish would be preferable, so that theres no risk of her bumping her beak on the bottom of the bowl, and keep it as a cold mash for her sensitive beak. The food may need replacing every so often to keel it fresh and cool.

Showing interest in, and pecking at the food is a good sign. Hopefully she starts eating soon
Give yourself a pat on the back! You got her this far, and every accomplishment should be celebrated! :celebrate:hugs
Thank you!! PXL_20221017_110824866.jpg
Agree on the congrats for getting to this step- what an accomplishment for you both! Again, just take it one day at a time. Her beak will heal, just continue to feed her and see how it looks in a few days. Due to her crop issues recently, I would steer clear of anything that can block it like black oil sunflower seeds. Start small with soupy mash and small chopped up things once you get her off the tube feeding.

Maybelle and you are both so strong!
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