Surgery tomorrow...i do NOT handle this stuff well!

Glad you're okay.

And now another pearl of wisdom from The Notebooks of OldGuy43:

It seems that every time I am scheduled for some medical procedure or other someone asks, "Don't you want to get a second opinion?" Why should I? I go to a doctor because I didn't study medicine. If I get a second opinion and it conflicts with what my doctor has said what do I do than? I'm not qualified to decide which one is correct, am I? One of the criteria I use when picking a physician is that I trust him implicitly. If I don't I change. I go to my doctor, tell him my problem and quit worrying about it. It's up to him to worry about it. That's one of the things that I pay him for.

Sidebar: If I had a choice I'd prefer that the AMA institute a policy similar to the one that was used in China for many years. You only pay your doctor when you are well. If you are sick you don't pay him until he has made you well again. It gives him incentive to keep you well.
Thanks everyone! :) I feel like such a wimp right now! I have 8 separate incisions on my abdomen (7 laproscopic and 1 rather large) and it seems my pain medication is my best friend right now but I HATE being on medication!
Yeah, I will only take what I have to of my meds. I absolutely hate putting drugs into my body. My best friend is an RN and keeps hounding, stay on top of your pain...blah...blah...but she just loves me! LOL I am doing LOTS of walking around so I will heal faster. I have too many people/animals dependent on me to be down. My hubby is here "handling things" til I get better but it just isn't the same!
Walking around always helped me recover faster...and holding a small cushion or pillow over the surgery area while moving or walking around makes an amazing difference in comfort level. I'm sure my neighbors must have thought that I had some odd attachment to a hello kitty cushion.


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