Survey about your CHICKENS!!!

What made you choose a particular breed of chicken?
I recently got into buff silkies because I love the breed. I also got into Light Brahmas and Salmon Faverolles. I loved the look of all 3 breeds. I recently got into bbred old english and self blue old english. They were a "spur of the moment" thing. lol

Was there a chicken breed that you regretted getting?
Nope, I love all the breeds I have.

What other breeds do you want to add to your flock?
Hmm. Maybe some White Silkies.
What made you choose a particular breed of chicken?

My first chickens were an Ornamental Layer Collection from MMH. I chose it for a variety. Whenever my parents got chickens, they only got Barred Rocks, which I never liked. And a lot of places I saw would only have one or two types of chickens. I wanted one of as many breeds/colors as I could get. I am pretty happy with my flock now. I have Cochins, EEs, Ameraucana, BR, RSL, Leghorn, RIR, Hamburgs, Polish, EE/Silkie mixes, Silkies, OEGBs, Black Japanese, d'Uccles, and a few Barnyard mixes.

My favorites for calmness, friendliness, and beauty are d'Uccles, Cochins and EEs.

Was there a chicken breed that you regretted getting?

I have 2 Barred Rocks now, have had a couple others, and I still don't like them. I only got them because my daughter wanted them. They are the least friendly and bossiest of the group. My Leghorn takes a close second because she is standoffish, flighty and chases the other hens out of the coop when she wants to choose a nesting box. But shes pretty and I got her from another BYC'er, so I wouldn't give her up.

What other breeds do you want to add to your flock?

I have a few ordered from Ideal that I haven't had yet....Speckled Sussex, Favorelles, Light Brahmas, Welsummer, Black Australorps and I'm getting a Buff Orp pullet from a BYCer . I really really want a small Silky Serama pair and some more pullets: Spangled Orloff, BLRW, Cream Brabanter, a couple Sex Links and a Frizzle or two.

The only thing I regret is that we live kind of close to other people and I don't want to upset them by getting roosters. Although I would like a bantam d'Uccle one and a standard Cochin one just so I could hatch my own babies. I do have a young OEGB roo right now, but he hasn't learned to crow. I am hoping he will stay little, both size and sound and not upset the neighborhood.
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What made you choose a particular breed of chicken?

Rosecombs: They were introduced to me by an old show breeder, i liked the look of them and have stuck with them.

Spangled OEG Bantams: Just starting out with these. I like the personality of the OEG bantams and love the color of the spangled roos and hens. Looking forward to working with these guys.

Modern Game Bantams: Funky looking and are the most curious, fun little bantams to have hanging around.

Booted Bantams (Mille Fleur): Great barnyard eye catchers. Everyone loves these guys for their beautiful color patterns.

Was there a chicken breed that you regretted getting?

Don't regret having any of them really. I've also had wyandottes, OEG, cochins, sebrights, cubalayas, and I'm sure there are others.

I don't regret any of the breeds, just certain individuals in some of those breeds. Usually young roosters that act aggressively until they settle down.

What other breeds do you want to add to your flock?

Black Large Fowl Sumatras: This is the breed I'm looking into getting. I think they are classy looking and I seem to really gravitate toward breeds that have iridescent feathers.

Urban Coyote
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I'm confused. Do you like the Wyandottes because they're feisty?

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MammaHen, you are waay to funny! I guess that the boot leather must have been an unpleasant surprise! Do you have any pictures that you could post of your birds? I'd love to see them!

Ohhh...the Frizzles are so cute! What kind is she? Can you post a picture? What's a BBS?

Did the Lakenvelders eat their own eggs or the eggs of the other chickens?

Your Light Brahma is awesome! I can't believe that he's so big!

What made you choose a particular breed of chicken?

-Easter eggers because they are pretty and lay pretty eggs
-Australorps because they are supposed to be docile and they lay lots of eggs
-Speckled Sussex for the same reason as the Australorps with the added plus that they are super-cute
-Polish for their looks

Was there a chicken breed that you regretted getting?

Not so far, but all of mine are still very young.

What other breeds do you want to add to your flock?

I would love to have some Dorkings.

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