Surviving Minnesota!

Haha, that is life. Well I live in Coon Rapids, slightly north of the twin cities. I'm really not looking to get chicks this instant, because in order to keep them legally you must submit an application and everything, then have people come and inspect your land and give you the ok to build the coop, and only then you can get the chicks.

I've done some research about what breeds I would want, and found that Easter edgers/Ameracanas would be a good fit. Every source I've looked at says they're friendly and comfortable in cold climates. They also lay beautiful eggs, which is a bonus.

I think Fufus would be great, too, but it's definitely ok if I can't get them. Also, I don't mind if they're all the same breed or not, as long as they're friendly and do well in minnesota's crazy weather!
Haha, that is life. Well I live in Coon Rapids, slightly north of the twin cities. I'm really not looking to get chicks this instant, because in order to keep them legally you must submit an application and everything, then have people come and inspect your land and give you the ok to build the coop, and only then you can get the chicks.

I've done some research about what breeds I would want, and found that Easter edgers/Ameracanas would be a good fit. Every source I've looked at says they're friendly and comfortable in cold climates. They also lay beautiful eggs, which is a bonus.

I think Fufus would be great, too, but it's definitely ok if I can't get them. Also, I don't mind if they're all the same breed or not, as long as they're friendly and do well in minnesota's crazy weather!

One thing about Easter eggers is that they are a bit nosier then breeds like Chanteclers or Orpingtons.
The most annoying rooster of them all, a silkie named Stew. Slept outside last night due to him being a pain, he made it through the night. Hopefully he will learn.

The hens are very unhappy, I took the nest boxes out to wash them off and I still haven't put them back in
Yesterday they decided here was the best place to lay

Heading to Bismarck to visit some cousins then to Mandan for the rodeo.

I've put together a few designs for the cochin coop, I still have to decided though
Hellooo! I'm new to the site, but I live in central mn and want to know more about raising chickens at home, so here I am! Raising backyard chickens just recently became legal in my city, so I'm super excited to possibly get into it. Do any of you know of a good place to purchase chickens in mn? I can only have up to 4 hens legally, and all of the popular companies that ship chicks have minimum orders of around 25, which wouldn't work.
Welcome to the thread! It is nice Coon Rapids will allow chickens now, kinda weird that they didn't always...

Quote: SS = Speckled Sussex. Lovely girls. small comb which is nice for Minnesota as well
EE = Easter Eggers.

Easter Eggers are a wonderful breed, and yes, lovely eggs.I have one. I'm sure Ralphie has quite a few of those as well, or could hatch more, lol

I have a Buff Orpington like mentioned above, they are winter hearty except for their big floppy combs... Mine lost a good portion of her comb to frostbite. I won't get another bird with a big comb in Minnesota because of frostbite issues. When you only have a few hens, and they are your pets, it is hard to watch when a couple of them get frostbite.

Another source for birds is Anoka/Ramsey Farm and Garden. I would call first though and make sure they have what you want.

But I would go through Ralphie first and see what he has. He is a PNIP (is that right?) certified. meaning his birds are tested and checked and are very healthy and disease free. He is also a tester himself. When i'm in the market again, i'll see what he has. He also has a Fufu bird the Cream Legbars They lay lovely blue eggs as well. but they have a bigger comb so probably not something I would get, unless he is going to breed for smaller combs?
I have a easter Egger from a breeder she is quiet and calm. I have 3 speckled Sussex cockerereal also from breeder, they are excellent flick watchers and very beautiful. Wish they were hens but will try for hens next time.

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