Surviving Minnesota!

My bedroom is like 6 feet away from our front door. If my door is open and someone comes in the front door they can see me laying in my bed. My grandparents are here after there annual 6 month stay in mexico. So my grandma and grandpa are up in our house and the dog starts barking, I'm laying in bed and all of a sudden 2 people just walk through our door! My mom and grandma are both saying Hi and its so nice to see you and I'm slowing crawling under blankets. Never had such an awkward time in my life...

Here it happens to be like my moms aunts or something that i met when i was like 4
Can you post me the link to what you used.

Here are the two I googled:


View attachment 556024

And Yellow:
I just googled yellow bellied woodpecker. From the two pics you posted, they do look quite similar. I'm on my phone right now and don't know how to copy and paste pictures, but will post the pic I found of the yellow bellied as soon as I am able.

I can never tell if I have house finches or purple finches. They look way too much alike to me.

I have the "Birds of Minnesota Field Guide" bird book. It's been a great resource.
stay Caffeinated.jpg

My only words of advice today!
I just googled yellow bellied woodpecker. From the two pics you posted, they do look quite similar. I'm on my phone right now and don't know how to copy and paste pictures, but will post the pic I found of the yellow bellied as soon as I am able.

I can never tell if I have house finches or purple finches. They look way too much alike to me.

I have the "Birds of Minnesota Field Guide" bird book. It's been a great resource.

Beyond a doubt a birders must have book!

I am hoping you can teach me the difference, if I learn my one thing today I can slough off the rest the day.
I put out two Hummingbird Feeders on Saturday. And within 10 minutes I had a male at the feeder. We have a neighborhood of bird feeding I was a bit surprised to see him so fast. (As they have other sources)
I have quit doing bird seed as it attracts bears (who also strip down my apple trees when they are in the yard) and venison. I can't afford or don't want to feed the deer. I have my chickens for bird watching and feeding now.
Dad and Mom feed Thistle and Sunflower seeds all year round. Dad said he had the Scarlet Tanager in his yard this spring, The rose breasted Grossbeaks are coming to the Oriole Feeder. We have the Baltimore. The boys are so sharp in their Orange Sherbert Colors. And I LOVE their songs.

Yesterday I continued my laundry saga.
Made two batches of soap. One I have a two step design so need to make a small batch to finish that one out. It has mint, lavender and cut grass fragrance. And then another with a pine scent and design. Mmmm. Smells good in the house.

I also at 9:30-10:00 last night decided to get rolling on the baby quilt for a work colleague. Once I start I don't really like stopping on those. Very satisfying to get them done. But it also put me in bed at 4:00AM. Up at 7:00 to get the kids to the bus. I have that weird body is still sleeping feeling yet. But I'm a night owl. Always have been. I will sleep well tonight. I'll put my jammies on early and drop where I will.

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