Surviving Minnesota!

Wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the chicks this morning in recent light of the fox in the henhouse. So I wandered back there just to see what's what and the stupid fox was under the coop. Even stupider me did not have the rifle. So the chicks are staying in today and the rifle is loaded and ready. I guess I'm on guard duty today. That fox is not afraid of people, it barely trotted away when it saw me so I suspect it'll be back sooner than later.
Shotguns require less precision when aiming....
Good Morning Chickeners . . . . Holy Cats! There was a clap of thunder at 3:59 this a.m. which made me think that if those birds did not drop off the roost from that it will be a miracle.
I put the little chick back with her flock yesterday afternoon. She actually perked up a little more. So she must have missed other birds. She will have to make it on her own. There are five hens in this flock with Reggie and Reggie is a woos and cannot even . . . . None of the five is laying. I am kind of getting tired of this deal.
I am ready to begin collecting the eggs from the wormed chickens again. It will be 14 days on Thursday and I am at day 12. What i s two more days gonna do? We will see.
Lovin the weather - wearin the boots and slicker when I am outside.
Mnchickmom - wow! that is one serious future coop! Pretty cool.
We have 3 days of rain coming . We need it but yuck . Need to mow my leaves before the rain comes . Right now they are dry and crumbly . Tried to mow last night but messed up . I lowered the mower and hit a tree root . Dang silver maples put out surface roots . So bent the blade . Had a junk mower with a good blade so doing a swap . Have them both off and need to sharpen the one . Just can't seem to get moving .
Home again!

I am a little disappointed, the WWD left for work without making and leaving me a nice hot breakfast or even a cold one I could nuke. She is failing in her wifely duties!

At least she did feed the dogs and left me a note saying she did. We have to leave notes for each other because of Pearl. We have found Pearl scams us into thinking they have not been fed yet, so we feed them a second time. She has managed to get two meals more than a few times...

I am going to try and get a little done in the barn today but this rain is taking all the fun out of being outdoors.

Jerry, you will be really tired of rain if you get what we are going through. Bummer about the root and blade, luckily it did not bend a shaft. I have a couple silver maples here, not my favorite tree. In addition to the roots I think they are a dirty tree. If I am going t have dirty trees I would prefer a weeping willow.

I lost my White Pullet I was going to show yesterday, I found her dead in the nest. I assume an impacted egg or some egg track problem.. Darn nice bird to lose it that way... I never noticed until she was not on the run last night.
IMG_7742 (2).JPG
Home again!

I am a little disappointed, the WWD left for work without making and leaving me a nice hot breakfast or even a cold one I could nuke. She is failing in her wifely duties!

At least she did feed the dogs and left me a note saying she did. We have to leave notes for each other because of Pearl. We have found Pearl scams us into thinking they have not been fed yet, so we feed them a second time. She has managed to get two meals more than a few times...

I am going to try and get a little done in the barn today but this rain is taking all the fun out of being outdoors.

Jerry, you will be really tired of rain if you get what we are going through. Bummer about the root and blade, luckily it did not bend a shaft. I have a couple silver maples here, not my favorite tree. In addition to the roots I think they are a dirty tree. If I am going t have dirty trees I would prefer a weeping willow.

I lost my White Pullet I was going to show yesterday, I found her dead in the nest. I assume an impacted egg or some egg track problem.. Darn nice bird to lose it that way... I never noticed until she was not on the run last night.View attachment 1151362
Sorry about that, she was mighty fine looking.
Home again!

I am a little disappointed, the WWD left for work without making and leaving me a nice hot breakfast or even a cold one I could nuke.

One good turn, deserves another.

At least she did feed the dogs and left me a note saying she did. We have to leave notes for each other because of Pearl. We have found Pearl scams us into thinking they have not been fed yet, so we feed them a second time. She has managed to get two meals more than a few times...

Sadie Mae's favorite trick! We are note writers and I guess texters .

Jerry, you will be really tired of rain if you get what we are going through. Bummer about the root and blade, luckily it did not bend a shaft. I have a couple silver maples here, not my favorite tree. In addition to the roots I think they are a dirty tree. If I am going t have dirty trees I would prefer a weeping willow.

Ditto. x2. I thought I wanted to get one to replace an oak that was a nice shade tree that we lost. Keep the house cooler. But I think I'll skip it. They grow so fast though...only nice thing about them buggers.

I lost my White Pullet I was going to show yesterday, I found her dead in the nest. I assume an impacted egg or some egg track problem.. Darn nice bird to lose it that way... I never noticed until she was not on the run last night.View attachment 1151362

Thats a big loss. Sorry about that one Ralphie. Shoot.

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