Surviving Minnesota!

You guys got more snow then us! We are supposed to get 1 inch or more on tuesday.
I had practice this morning so I am going to get home and get chores done and pack
I know I usually just lurk and read all of your stories. But, today I just wanted to say you all live in the wrong parts of the state haha. We have some snow falling, but it's melting on contact, and we aren't supposed to have any that accumulates. I think it's mostly rain now. You all need to move to the Southeast corner!! I'm looking forward to pictures from Hutch, and good luck to everyone!!
:barnie Three or 4 inches here...:he Even the ducks didn't want to go outside. :hmm

Back in July I gave the neighbors 2 ducklings. That was the batch that's in my avatar. A fox got one, and injured the other one, so they will most likely be getting one of my extra dux in the next few days, to give the other one a friend. The part the annoys me, is that the fox is still alive...:mad: Not their fault though. They were trying to save their ducky...
Jerry, that was quite a deer. 260+ pounds field dressed. They don't get much bigger than that up here.
We have 6 to 7 inches of snow on the ground and it is still snowing. The ground may yet be warm enough that it will melt over a few days, but with temps forecast in the 30s for the next week we will need some bright sun shine. 33 degrees here now.

Near 300-Pound Deer Taken in Duluth Neighborhood During City Hunt
A monster deer has been taken during the annual city hunt in Duluth, Minnesota. It wasn't the rack that made this deer special. It's the size!

You see this ?
thats a whopper! love to see one that big

Jerry, that was quite a deer. 260+ pounds field dressed. They don't get much bigger than that up here.
We have 6 to 7 inches of snow on the ground and it is still snowing. The ground may yet be warm enough that it will melt over a few days, but with temps forecast in the 30s for the next week we will need some bright sun shine. 33 degrees here now.
:hugs :hugs
Cluck-Cluck my Buff Orpington passed away last night. I will miss that lovely little feather picker. She was a sweetheart (to me) and hilarious at times. She had a raspy cluck since she started clucking. She was my first girl to cluck like a big chicken, hence the name. If I sat on the ground outside, she would stand on my leg, every time. She did it just a couple of weeks ago. I'll miss that. :hit

Here are some pics for memories sake, she added some bright sunshine of color to the flock:

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In her epsom salt bath 2 nights ago...
20171025_165841 b.jpg

Can't forget her crazy head shake... I've never heard of any other chicken doing this move, none of my other girls do. She did it quite regularly since she was a chick, hilarious...

Rest in peace miss Cluck-Cluck.


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