Surviving Minnesota!

I am really happy with this little guy's markings. A perfect Magpie marking with the exception of one small stranggler spot. It will be interesting to see how he/she turns out. Unfortunately it is the only one of it's kind. :(

And one of the nicer Black and Whites:
Just some pics from yesterday...

I’ve got some mixed emotions about this hen... I think she is put together OK but her color needs work... But I am working on type with the Buckeyes first...
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A little Dom girl...
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My favorite Sumatra male...
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The troubled baby...
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A picture my brother took of me when I was sitting out and watching the cows...
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That Sumatra is gorgeous!! Doesn't look like "watching the cows" is too tough of a job... How is trouble baby doing?
Not using my left arm is harder than I thought it would be...
And because you're trying not to, EVERYTHING you want to do requires you to use it, right? At least that's how it seems to go for me.
What humidity level should the incubator be at? I think I'm going through water too quickly. I have the center trough filled, per instructions, but have already had to fill it twice.

When I borrowed this, I don't see a vent cap. Vent is currently open. Guessing that's where the water is going....
30 to 35% works for me. I keep vent caps open. I don't remember how many troughs I had filled, sorry.
That Sumatra is gorgeous!! Doesn't look like "watching the cows" is too tough of a job... How is trouble baby doing?
Thank you! They are stunning birds and great layers so far! There is always at least one egg from their pen every day and they are big white eggs. So I’m pretty darn happy with them.

Watching the cows is pretty easy lol... I was just making sure one of the cows didn’t try break out of the Calvin pens while we were “leaving her alone with baby”.

Trouble baby is doing great. When my grandpa first saw him standing yesterday he couldn’t believe it and had to go check his tag and make sure it was te right calf (there was two calves in one pen). We gave him half a bottle of colostrum I milked out of the cow the night before and that must have been enough to get him moving. That colostrum is amazing stuff.
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Here is a picture of trouble baby before we let him out last night and then when he was out with his mom... She’s a pretty good cow... The other cow that calved keep trying to get me through the gate the other day when we were putting her in the shoot lol. She actually managed to headbut my grand right in the sternum.

Here is a picture of trouble baby before we let him out last night and then when he was out with his mom... She’s a pretty good cow... The other cow that calved keep trying to get me through the gate the other day when we were putting her in the shoot lol. She actually managed to headbut my grand right in the sternum.

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Love mama and baby pics :love
That reminds me. . hubby took a nut shot for ya Lol
he got into a shoving match with their neighbors bull the other day and done some serious fence damage :rolleyes:

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