Surviving Minnesota!

Good Morning all...

First a guest commentator on this mornings weather,

I was wondering how many of you got your potatoes planted yesterday?

I refuse to plow this snow! I may be stuck in the yard for a few weeks. Luckily I have corn and chickens to eat.

I am wondering if any turkey eggs laid yesterday afternoon, (after my egg gathering) will be ok under this foot of snow?

Then I am also wondering how do I find them under this snow...

If you happen to be a used cat salesman you are more than welcome to come search for eggs and shovel snow.
We got about 2 inches of snow sometime between 1:30 and 5:30. It has stopped snowing, but it is quite windy which makes it seem cold out there.
I do not think the hens will be too enthused about free ranging today, and the forecast does not include above 30 degree temps for a few days. Thus this snow may remain for a while. I have shoveled the walks, but the little woman informs me that she is done plowing for the season. I hope that we don't get any more significant snow falls.
Good morning

Looks like we got 3 inches, it has quit snowing and the sun is shining. I havnt been out yet, being lazy and keeping warm.

I'm going to update this, looks more like 2 inchs :)
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Well for the past few days of gathering eggs I have found a small egg. abnormally small for my ladies. So I'm thinking some one is confused or has decided to pretend shes bantam. Not a "fart" egg or a good try. A very small egg. Perhaps when it's a bit better weather I will start going out and reading the joy of cooking to them. Perhaps then she will change her tune.
I just got through spending a ton of time in the barn. My grand-daughter refused to leave. There were chicks to hold.

This is one of her feeding them. Not sure what is cuter the kid or the chicks..

And another of her and a chick...can never have too many of both..

And some stills...
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Grandson and Granddaughter each with a SS.... The SS are the only ones that tolerate being held by kids, or me.

Ignore that ugly white feather. This one will most likely not make a show bird.
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These are my only chicks of this year.... Couple Doms, Cocekrels and pullet. And 2 Legbars, a cull and a good one. Accompanied by a SS that has a chance to make it to the shows.
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And my pasture! Way too much snow today!

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