Surviving Minnesota!

Erli I’m glad the owl is ok..

We got a lot of snow... I think there was probably ten whole flakes out there lol. It stopped now and it looks like the sun might burn the clouds off.
Ralphie, get your derriere up here and take your weather back ! When I got up at 0500 there was only a trace of new snow. There is now at least 4 inches and it is snowing like a banshee.
This is wayward Banana Belt weather !
The climate has changed all right and not for the best. Who ever was involved in perpetrating that warming myth should be forced to swim in Lake Superior today or July 4th, as the temp would be very little different than today.
My chickens will not be free ranging until their new snowshoes arrive.
I am going to venture out to the chickens and turkeys. I need to see how they are doing, give them some winter treats and activities so they don't get bored..

Followed by a lengthy discussion on how this is Holm's fault and what we can do to get even with him.

This weather does give me lots of bird watching time though.
IMG_8625 (2).JPG
IMG_8626 (2).JPG

I tried to get the female, but she was too shy when I got close to the window.

Even the BlueJays look good on a day like today.

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