Surviving Minnesota!

I have had a big morning.

I think I made a break through with Hoover. We had one of our consoling sessions. He told me this morning he is truly happy here. He knows he does a few socially unacceptable things, like killing turkeys and assaulting cats. He says they were accidents. He just does not know how to play well with turkeys and cats. He claims, and I know this is a wild unbelievable claim, that he was forced to grow up without a kitten or a turkey and had never seen them before he came here.......Unbelievable isn't it?

Even more so, he claims there was a young lady at his prior home that ignored him and kissed pigs instead of loving him..... He also said he was treated in a sub-chicken manner. While most the the chickens lived in a clean heated apartments he was forced to live on the streets in a cold unheated pen and many of his days he was forced to forage for food. If this is true how can I blame him for having a few negative habits.......

He has request breeding privileges, I am taking those under advisement now. As he was walking away from me today, I noticed he has two of the largest fattest drumsticks I have ever seen. Those drumstick could gain him the breeding rights he desires.

In other news. I have started saving eggs today for hatching. I got 1 toad egg, 2 SS eggs and a Dominique. I changed breeding roosters on the Doms, I replaced the one that had the better comb for one with a better U shaped back and he is a little smaller. I have noticed the trend is to go larger with Dom's but I do not see them as being a large bird, even though they were dual purpose @jerryse ( and everyone else) what's your thoughts on the size of the Doms?

I need to get feeling better fast. I have turkey hens submitting the to the Toms. I need to set up breeding pens for turkeys. Maybe I will get turkey eggs before March this year.
Ralphie, I can envision you consoling session with Hoover. It was held with him sitting on your lap while you stroked his feathered little head.

There was a fresh 1/2 to 1 inch of snow this AM. there may be a little more in the Togo vicinity, as it has snowed up that way when it rained here I believe ? I would speculate that they have perhaps 3 to 6 inches.
Come to think of it I must have 3 inches here, as I have a brush pile I want to burn. When It goes up they can roast marshmallows in Proctor, as that is within 5 miles of me.
Ralphie, I can envision your consoling session with Hoover. It was held with him sitting on your lap while you stroked his feathered little head.

There was a fresh 1/2 to 1 inch of snow this AM. there may be a little more in the Togo vicinity, as it has snowed up that way when it rained here I believe ? I would speculate that they have perhaps 3 to 6 inches.
Come to think of it I must have 3 inches here, as I have a brush pile I want to burn. When It goes up they can roast marshmallows in Proctor, as that is within 5 miles of me.
Ralphie are you spending time in Togo with the snasquatch ? Or is the squatch in Florida with the cousin skunk ape ?
We are planning a weekend/New Years eve in Togo with the Squatches, they can be so fun.

EJB I have a little chicken couch for Hoover to lie on during the sessions. He would find the patting of his head to be patronizing. I have done miracles with him. Tonight he is roosting 6 ft in the air next to a turkey and another rooster. I assume he just hummingbird'ed his way up there. I have never seen a Toad roost that high before. I hope he does not get hurt getting down from there.

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