Surviving Minnesota!

Say hello to next week's dinner.

I found it hilarious when he snuck up on my husband last weekend, but last night he pulled a sneak attack on my 10 year old son. Can't have that.
I'm already salivating over the thought of slow, oven roasted naughty roo. :drool
Say hello to next week's dinner.
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I found it hilarious when he snuck up on my husband last weekend, but last night he pulled a sneak attack on my 10 year old son. Can't have that.
I'm already salivating over the thought of slow, oven roasted naughty roo. :drool
He's gorgeous. Pity that he's also a brat.
The cat needs to do more than lead a few chickens into the coop to get maple syrup!

I am finding making maple syrup is the only way to lose money faster than raising chickens.
Good one Wrangler Ralphie. It is not for money but for personal enjoyment and satisfaction in having accomplished it. That said, I am familiar with a young cat salesman who may be able to market you into the realm of profitability ? The problem would seem to be with actually obtaining a commitment for his services ?
Good one Wrangler Ralphie. It is not for money but for personal enjoyment and satisfaction in having accomplished it. That said, I am familiar with a young cat salesman who may be able to market you into the realm of profitability ? The problem would seem to be with actually obtaining a commitment for his services ?
It is fun making the syrup, and it tastes great. I am already thinking of things I can do to make it go faster, easier and cheaper next year.

As far as the young used cat salesman goes... I am not going to tell him about the herding cat or he will want it back... and charge me twice much for rent as I paid for the cat in the first place! much sun do your Ostrich Ferns take? I have a rather large bed of Lady Fern that takes more sun than I thought they would. Especially this far south.
Hello all.
We are getting there with spring. Still some snow on the ground. The bounty of it this winter has made for large piles and still a lot left to melt.

My father lost his battle with cancer two weeks ago. So been sorting out that business with mom and the sisters. If I may give advice. Get poop in a pile and sort that stuff out with arrangements and trusts for transfer of cars, properties, etc. dad had a trust made but he did not have funeral home arrangements handled. Stress for Mom. It’s sorting itself out though.

I got Acer rubrum saplings today from southern Illinois. Thank you Jerryse.

It will be just a bit yet for planting. I need to trim those apple trees of mine while it’s cold here.

7 little hens got short free range time tonight after work. It was windy though and they were a little nervous . Not used to it after 5 months of white. Alot of snow to navigate yet out there. Easy pickings for a fox. In search of a rooster. I might wait for an Ameraucana one if he’s nice.

Fun to see the barnyard babies. much sun do your Ostrich Ferns take? I have a rather large bed of Lady Fern that takes more sun than I thought they would. Especially this far south.
They can take quite a bit of shade . At the lake they grow at the edge of the woods plus in the woods where trees have fell . Allowing some sun in . I once had them on the north side as a foundation planting .

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