Surviving Minnesota!

lv, I took a photo of my lamp. I tie wrapped the handle to the hardware clothe of the run in 3 places. I put hardware cloth over the bulb like a cage so the chickens can't jump up and hit the bulb and start their wings on fire. My guess is a chicken jumped up, hit your lamp and knocked it off the hook... they say you should secure it 3 ways, and cover it somehow.

lv, I took a photo of my lamp. I tie wrapped the handle to the hardware clothe of the run in 3 places. I put hardware cloth over the bulb like a cage so the chickens can't jump up and hit the bulb and start their wings on fire. My guess is a chicken jumped up, hit your lamp and knocked it off the hook... they say you should secure it 3 ways, and cover it somehow.

I did put a heat lamp back in the run and it is SECURE! Its just too cold out there but the lack of wind makes such a difference so I am not too concerned about their getting frozen.
IV... Lack of wind is huge this time of year.

I have my creamettes in a OSB sided coop that attaches to the Cafeteria. The cafeteria is a 8x16 ft shed I made out of posts with a OSB roof covered in plastic and walls made of wire and plastic. Clear plastic on the west and blue the rest of it. The sun shines through the clear plastic hits the blue and warms the cafeteria.

The creamette coop and run serve as the turkey Nunnery this time of year..

Last night I went to make my last check on them, they were all in the cafeteria, I did not have a thermometer in there, but I bet it was 25 degrees warmer than outside. I am going to try and remember to put a thermometer in there today.
Put chickens to bed last night and my BA Holly was all tucked in under her wing. Her size...smaller than the rest yet. I have wormed her and we'll see what happens. She woke up this morning bright eyed at my bucket of scratch and kitchen scraps. I did bring down some thieves essential oil for her head feathers and under her wings again. But that's about all I'll do at this point in the game. hopefully the worming will turn her sweet little self around.

The coop was 5 above this morning. -6F outdoor temp. I turned the flat panel heater back on last night. I'm happy with my winter coop set up. AS you've heard me say it's all an experiment. But as the winter goes on...I find the reflectix working and a little nudge with the flat panel keeps my coop comfortable yet winters my bird s well. Keeping the temps below freezing yet.

Love the Poop Board talk. Nice set up Kloppers. As I've said before with 3 windows and a door covering 4 sides of my coop. I've had to creative making a roost that works for every one. To figure out a poop board....I just don't know. I think I should work on it though....Life would be easier.
I do well with the cut open feed bags though...and popping off the frozen poo into a compost pile. Non-frozen months are a little more interesting.
It is BRISK out this morning, I just came in from my chores.


The turkey Toms were even in the turkey house! It has to be cold for them to go in there. Egg count is 6 this morning, Frozen egg count is 3, good eggs 3....

Kloppers third day in a row with a SS egg. Weighed in at a whopping 53 grams. Not a lot but bigger than the last 2, 50 grammers!

I need to run to Princeton this morning. Then I am going to huddle in the basement and make some brooders to put my Mama Heating pads in. ( Judy is still thinking this is a crazy move)
It is BRISK out this morning, I just came in from my chores.


The turkey Toms  were even in the turkey house!  It has to be cold for them to go in there.   Egg count is 6 this morning, Frozen egg count is 3, good eggs 3....

Kloppers  third day in a row with a SS egg.  Weighed in at a whopping 53 grams.  Not a lot but bigger than the last 2, 50 grammers!

I need to run to Princeton this morning.  Then I am going to huddle in the basement and make some brooders to put my Mama Heating pads in.  ( Judy is still thinking this is a crazy move)
If I ever do chicks again in a brooder, I'm doing mama heating pad. I already have the pad, just need the frame. Good move I think, more natural for the chicks. You can even brood them outside, if it is just a tad but warmer.
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Moved a couple of roosters today . Put the Legbar rooster in with the Legbar hens and the auto sexing EE rooster in with the hens . Had 5 new chicks hatch . No more for 2 weeks . Set another batch of eggs . Cold and partially sunny here . Ordered some Arctic raspberries and some Haskap/honeyberry .
Moved a couple of roosters today . Put the Legbar rooster in with the Legbar hens and the auto sexing EE rooster in with the hens . Had 5 new chicks hatch . No more for 2 weeks . Set another batch of eggs . Cold and partially sunny here . Ordered some Arctic raspberries and some Haskap/honeyberry .

I have been perusing strawberries and want to get some planted this year. I was hoping to get seeds, but may have to do bareroots. Seeds are hard to come by!

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