Surviving Minnesota!

I have been perusing strawberries and want to get some planted this year. I was hoping to get seeds, but may have to do bareroots. Seeds are hard to come by!
Usually only Alpine types are sold as seed . They are a species type and come true from seed . The others are complex hybrids and do not come true from seed .


First batch of fodder was a success!! Two trays lasted about one hour. I am going to feed four trays a week. I am working on getting 2 more trays started today.
Usually only Alpine types are sold as seed . They are a species type and come true from seed . The others are complex hybrids and do not come true from seed . 

That actually makes lots of sense when you say it like that. I was watching YouTube videos on how people grow strawberries and this guy had a video on how well he started his from seed. I didn't even look at what kind he was growing. The bare roots are well under a dollar a plant so that is pretty cheap
I went back and found some photos of my coop as i was building it last spring. see my flip up roosts made of 2x4s and the angled poop board with gutter. you can see the taping knife hanging over the window that i use for scraping poop.

I really like that set-up. I may have to borrow it this spring. When we first started converting the shed to a coop, I wanted the hinged roosts basically over a litter box of pdz. DH never made the time to do it. I've come to realize that I just need to tell him I'll do it and then he's like
I love birds! How did this take over my life? LOL. This is crazy. These pictures make me STOP - look - and smile.

Lol I love them too. I am planning on adding more this spring. We have learnt so much since we started its crazy!
It took 7-8 days. I am amazed at how much they love that stuff!! I have a batch growing now that is growing faster than the last batch did.

Glad to hear it is working well. My birds are mad for it too!

I found it got a quicker start if I cover it for the first 2-3 days to keep it from drying out so quickly. I open them up and water them 2-3 times a day

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