Surviving Minnesota!

Cold day out today.. Good news 2 of my other hens are laying I had 4 eggs today 3 were cracked from the cold. 1 was a EE'er because it was a green egg,, very cool.. . And these pics were taken 2 days ago.. James is allot bigger then his brother Roostie , but Roostie is such a cute little squirt.. . and Roosties wing tips are outlined with white and James are not.

They look so much like Andy..
Good Morning to each of you. IT IS COLD! The kind of cold that IF you are foolish enough to breath through your mouth you will be coughing. No wind to speak of which makes it so much better. BUTTTTTTT now we are done with this cold-cold stuff. This is the last of it so if you like it you had better enjoy it today and tomorrow. The it is gone. (I am positive it is gone. . . . .)

Dusted my birds last night because I have determined that the RIR was NOT molting but had lice. Put some cold wood ash in the run also. We will see if she starts to get some feathers growing in on her back.

Valentine brunch tomorrow morning will probably not happen as it will be slippery and I don't want anyone to get hurt. I have a little something for each one of my grandkids for at the table by their plates. Oh well, I guess the kids will still be around when valentines day isn't and they will have to get their surprises then.

Stay warm.
OMG! My son finally popped the question to his loving, kind, adorable woman! Between them they have nine children - talk about a blended family! Of course she is older than him just as my youngest sons wife is older than him and I am older than my DH. I am sooooo excited!
OMG!  My son finally popped the question to his loving, kind, adorable woman! Between them they have nine children - talk about a blended family! Of course she is older than him just as my youngest sons wife is older than him and I am older than my DH.  I am sooooo excited!


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