Surviving Minnesota!

But they fit, so why not put them together! Best not to waste the bags. You will chew them up later anyways


So you have apart time job packing groceries now?

I said it was a pet peeve.... Otherwise I am perfect.
I ordered some organic tomato/veggie/herb fertalizer off amazon for my indoor garden and to use on my garden seedlings eventually. review say that it had a 'slight fish odor'

I mixed it up as directed and loaded it into a spray bottle to use as a foliar spray on my herbs and pheeeeeew
i would say more than slight!

I know I am aersolizing it with the bottle but boyo! good thing Dw never comes down here or i would be getting the stink eye

if it works as well as they say it does it will be worth it though
Are you going to splash a little under your arms before work? You might not have people crowding into your space if you do..

I candled eggs tonight (just got done) to go into the incubator tomorrow. It has been a week since I set them, I hate to go over a week, but I am feeling lazy tonight. And I want another days worth of eggs. Some of those from a week ago will be dead because of the cold we had.

When I candled I thought this was a good egg, the crack is so small it cannot be seen, until I candled and it looks like the grand canyon. This is the Menard Birthday present flashlight I am using here.


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