Suspected stage 1 Angel Wing


Jun 1, 2022
Now my saxony and black Swedish are presenting with what I suspect would be stage 1 angel wing but I’m not for certain. I started them on nature serve starter/grower feed until 4 weeks old and then switched to purina duck pellets 19% protein and add 1Tab of josh frogs brewers yeast per cup of feed. The saxony I have had since hatchling and the black Swedish I got around 3.5-4 weeks old. Should I wrap the wing or give it more time? They still stretch and flap their wings and move them fine. I’ve just never experienced angel wing and wanted to see what to do.

I can get better picture in the morning.



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It is hard to tell, but it looks like they are just droopy as their wing feathers are coming in. When their wing feathers grow in, they are heavy and they need to build up strength to hold their wings up. Unless you see it sticking out when they adjust their wings, I would lean towards it is just it's feathers are growing in causing it to drop.
I can see the sticking out feathers on the left side in the black duck in both the videos. I cannot be sure, but when the duck is swimming and adjusts its wings, do the feathers seem to get back in line?

If you see the feathers go back in line when the duck adjusts its feathers, Hball, I would watch and see assuming that it is heavy new flight feathers.
However, if you don't see the duck adjusting its feathers and getting them back in line, I would treat as angel wing:
In the video, the Saxony looks pretty normal to me. That one picture looks a bit suspicious of her, but with the video it seems more like you caught her when adjusting her wing.

The black swedish does look she has angel wing. I find it best to wrap the wing to the body and stays on better. I would recommend only wrapping the wing part of the day. Since their feathers are still growing in, you still want them to be able to move their wing part of the day to continue to strengthen it. Otherwise you can follow the link @ruthhope shared above.

If you see something in the Saxony, you can always wrap her just in case. The younger you do it, the faster it corrects it self.
I can see the sticking out feathers in the beige duckling, now. I do think it is sticking out not dropped down with weight. [I cannot be sure of that with the black one -- you have to decide]
If the beige duckling were mine, I would treat as angel wing and bind the feather in corret place flush with the body.

[Sorry about using beige and black ducklings rather than breed names; I only have pekins and muscovies, and while I love seeing photos of other breeds, I don't remember names and don't want to sow confusion!]
In the video, the Saxony looks pretty normal to me. That one picture looks a bit suspicious of her, but with the video it seems more like you caught her when adjusting her wing.

The black swedish does look she has angel wing. I find it best to wrap the wing to the body and stays on better. I would recommend only wrapping the wing part of the day. Since their feathers are still growing in, you still want them to be able to move their wing part of the day to continue to strengthen it. Otherwise you can follow the link @ruthhope shared above.

If you see something in the Saxony, you can always wrap her just in case. The younger you do it, the faster it corrects it self.
Thank you so much!!
I can see the sticking out feathers in the beige duckling, now. I do think it is sticking out not dropped down with weight. [I cannot be sure of that with the black one -- you have to decide]
If the beige duckling were mine, I would treat as angel wing and bind the feather in corret place flush with the body.

[Sorry about using beige and black ducklings rather than breed names; I only have pekins and muscovies, and while I love seeing photos of other breeds, I don't remember names and don't want to sow confusion!]
Thank you so much!

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