Sussex Co Poultry Fanciers Event (Augusta, NJ)

Hi Jerseygirl,
Tell me about your Wyandotte, I missed so much activity. I was out in the sales area most of the day. Maybe we crossed paths?
I thought I bought her from you!!!!!! OMG, how funny, I probably don't even know what I bought!! She's so pretty, though, I know that I bought one from you, she was a black and white bantam - I was the one who asked if you were a BYC'er, and you had told me where your son's was showing his hen, that was the sister to the one I bought - Can you tell me what I bought? Jeez, I don't even know, I'm so new at this!!! But I love her!!
Yep that was me! She is a Silverlaced Wyandotte. About 4-5 months old. She had 2 sisters and a brother in the show. The Sisters won Best of Breed & Reserve Of Breed Wyandotte. Both are silverlaced! She is a very sweet little girl, you really got a nice little bird there. I really enjoyed her while she was here.
WOW!! It's now the day after, and I have to say to all the Sussex Club members THANKYOU again for another great show! My hubby finally made it to this show( my son and I have been several times) and you did not disappoint. The team did well yeaterday:

Wyandottes- Open BV,RV Columbian,Open & Youth BV,RV Silverlaced,Best & Reserve Of Breed
Magpie Duck-Open & Youth RV Blue,Reserve Of Breed
Silkie-Open & Youth RV Bearded Partridge,RV Bearded Black, Youth Reserve Of Breed These were 5 month old babies!!! The older birds are so Broody they refuse to move, so we were forced to bring the youngins!

Brody also won Jr Champion Waterfowl,Jr Champion Bantam Duck with a Grey Female Call

We had a great time and met new friends. Alot of baby Silkies & Wyandottes went to new homes as well! So we will see you all again next year.

Our next show will be the Maryland show in Frederick MD on Nov 7 & 8. She ya all at the Shows!!!
Yes it was a great show! I didn't get to meet any BYC except for Rowan!

None of my birds got to Champion Row but I did get
3 Best of Breeds:
Standard Silver Phoenix Pullet
Standard Black araucana hen
Standard AOV ameraucana cockerel

My Buff Silkie Showgirl Pullet got Best of Variety

2 Reserve of Breed's

Silver Phoenix Cockerel
Blue Araucana Hen

Partridge Showgirl Cockerel got reserve of variety.

and I am too tired to type all the rest now, maybe tomorrow or I can edit this tomorrow adding.
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Did anyone see the lop eared rabbits for sale at the Sussex Poultry Show? They may have been Holland Lops and there were 3 in a small cage. I wanted to buy one but no one was around to talk to and there was no cell phone number on the cage
Does anyone happen to know who was selling those rabbits??
Hi Tootsie
Thanks for the info

I viewed your website ...loved your pictures!
I noticed your farm's name was Macopin. Is that on Macopin road? I'm from that area ...Bloomingdale to be percise.

Yup, 610 Macopin, 2.7 miles up from Hamburg Tnpk a little past the deli but before the Apshawa firehouse. Come see me some time. Email me to make sure I am here, I have other phone numbers of club members if Karen doesn't know but didn't want to post phone numbers.

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