Swedish Flower Hen Thread

I think it depends on the time of year. My pullets that were hatched in the spring started laying  between 20 and 23 weeks. The ones hatched in the fall were bout 28 weeks. Spring hatches are better for a lot of reasons!
mine were spring hatches so I was just making sure that I was expecting Eggs In the Fall And that would be correct!
Relocating most wildlife is illegal here, and honestly, it's not a great idea anywhere. Many wild animals will travel back "home" unless you move them many, many miles. They carry diseases as well. Coons are the top rabies carrier in my state. They carry fleas and ticks.

I think drowning is awful, particularly with my veterinary training...but...obviously I can't wait until morning to have DNR come take it. Once caught, this coon has to be promptly removed since he knows how to escape traps and is already known to kill poultry. That pretty much leaves that as my only option. we have a 150 gallon trough or a 90 gallon trash can. Creek is too shallow and at the bottom of a hill I don't fancy carrying a heavy trap with an enraged wild animal in down through the trees. I thought about dry ice or vinegar/baking soda, but the volume needed is quite large to fill a trash bag large enough to fit the trap, if its claws don't tear the plastic. And I don't have a way to store dry ice for several nights until I catch it again.

I am vaccinated for rabies, so I'm relatively safe for that, and I have handled many wild animals in my career
I am not fussed about handling the trap with a critter inside. I'm more fussed about the monster escaping again! Bought a new trap with a different system, and I am looking into having the trap I have repaired; it has a lwarranty, apparently. It did something to the trap pan, so you can't set it again, when it managed to escape.
We just shoot 'em- I know it's not pretty, but quick & effective
I am wondering if anyone would be interested in a dozen egg swap with me? I seem to only be hatching the Black/Choc. chicks I have only gotten other colors a couple of times and if I lose any its always them. I would really like to have more nd different colors.
I would love to, but mine just started to lay this week. In fact a 2nd hen laid her first egg today- so, so excited! I don't have any black/chocolate, but would love to add those colors to mine.
I'll keep my fingers crossed you have 2 pullets and one roo in that batch! :fl

Yes - if anyone hears of someone driving from the east coast to (or through) MO, give us a shout out so we can get a Gunnar roo to chickendeal. I will be going to north Carolina in late august so I may have to hide a chick or 3 lol on my way back lol

Thank you! There is an external pip this morning!   :ya      :fl
Caught and killed the coon last night. Kind of hair raising killing a very large and very angry coon in the dark at 11:30 last night.

It was a nursing mother, so more of them are out there. I'll set the trap until I stop catching them.

And then this morning, a hawk swooped down over Wasp's flock as they grazed their way across the horse pasture. They are way too big for attack....but I'm glad I have the small birds penned up!

We closed just over a year ago. Guess the word has gone around the local wildlife that a buffet might be available.

I am looking at putting an electric line all around my property, on the bottom of the horse fence, to help keep out four legged predators. It might help.
Caught and killed the coon last night. Kind of hair raising killing a very large and very angry coon in the dark at 11:30 last night.

It was a nursing mother, so more of them are out there. I'll set the trap until I stop catching them.

And then this morning, a hawk swooped down over Wasp's flock as they grazed their way across the horse pasture. They are way too big for attack....but I'm glad I have the small birds penned up!

We closed just over a year ago. Guess the word has gone around the local wildlife that a buffet might be available.

I am looking at putting an electric line all around my property, on the bottom of the horse fence, to help keep out four legged predators. It might help.
So glad you caught her. I am sure it was hard, but it had to be done.
Hopefully the babies are too young to come in her place.

Have you ever thought about getting a donkey to keep the predators away? We have 2 mini donkeys and rarely ever even see coons and possums anymore. They steer well clear of our place. The donkey has even been seen, along with the cow, chasing a hawk off that was after my free-rangers. The donkeys and cows love our chickens and turkeys!
Congrats! I am glad that this ordeal is almost over for you. The mother coon probably had her kits in a tree somewhere not too far away. You may be able to backtrack to find them. Certainly, there are a number of animal rescue folks who will gladly take the kits. You just do not need to explain how they lost their mother. ;)
Great news here! Got my first fertile SFH egg since losing Gunnar. Thank you SunnySkies for the roosters! Viking has finally figured out his "duties" and Astrid is willing to let him be dutiful.

Caught and killed the coon last night. Kind of hair raising killing a very large and very angry coon in the dark at 11:30 last night.

I am looking at putting an electric line all around my property, on the bottom of the horse fence, to help keep out four legged predators. It might help.
So glad you caught her. Look into electric poultry netting - it is super easy to put up, take down, rearrange into breeding sections... whatever. It offers a little more flexibility than permanent, though permanent has advantages too. Just something to consider.

Have you ever thought about getting a donkey to keep the predators away? We have 2 mini donkeys and rarely ever even see coons and possums anymore. They steer well clear of our place. The donkey has even been seen, along with the cow, chasing a hawk off that was after my free-rangers. The donkeys and cows love our chickens and turkeys!
Donkeys and llamas are wonderful guardian animals!

My oldest SFH from BHEP's eggs. I have one more that is the same age but somehow forgot to take pictures of it. I've got some more growing out that are four weeks old. I'm going to try to take pictures of them tomorrow!
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