Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Day 7, just candled.

Good news: 14 out of my 18 eggs are developing nicely in the IncuView.

Bad news: The 4 clears I removed were all SFH, argh! They were all the exact same shape and color so I'm guessing that pullet was not getting any love.

Oh well I've got 6 SFH left, I'm gonna hope for the best.

I feel the itch just reading this......

Keep us posted and good luck !!!
I love seeing everyone's birds and all the color variations! Recently added a SFH and a Appenzeller Spitzhauben to my flock. The 2 of them are BFFs and Sofia (the SFH) really looks out for the much smaller Spitz. Sofia is a crested SFH who has a sweet temperament and is a little shy.



Okay...here are some new photos of the boys. They'll be 19 weeks next Tuesday. 2 Boys. Having some yogurt. Couldn't get close enough to get the "yogurt mustaches" and the yogurt strip on the Mahogany boy's comb :D I wasn't able to get a really good photo of chocolate today but here's what I got. Now THIS GUY, seems to always be ready for a photo-op. Hey mom!!!!! Look at me!!!! I can FLY!!!!!! @Bulldogma
Very much enjoyed the pictures of the boys!! :thumbsup

I "think" I got a pullet egg today! "Think" because I was gone all day and came back to a smaller than usual egg in one of the boxes. Now I have to do some observation and find out who it is over the next few days.....

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