Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Bulldogma I realy like snape but he has side sprigs so I was wondering if anyone had one that is a splash like him crested or not with maybe a couple hens they would ship to south ga that is maybe closer to georgia.

Or maybe someone could sell a splash boy and a black based boy together and ship them to me.
Bulldogma I realy like snape but he has side sprigs so I was wondering if anyone had one that is a splash like him crested or not with maybe a couple hens they would ship to south ga that is maybe closer to georgia.

Or maybe someone could sell a splash boy and a black based boy together and ship them to me.

I will pay a reasonable price.
How hard would it be to breed out side sprigs

Redrooster - if you're breeding to pea-comb birds, it's not something I would worry about. In fact side sprigs are considered a genetic intermediary between single-combs and pea-combs. It actually boosts the ability to breed true pea-comb birds in fewer generations than if you went with a roo that didn't carry the genetics for sprigs. How cool is that?

More information is in the link below:

http://books.google.com/books?id=aA...CAQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=pea comb sprigs&f=false

Screen shots:

Ok we'll I like them I just need to save up a little more money but I like both snape and Olaf so if I get any I will probably get both. But if I bought the box how much do u think it would cost to ship both wi it be much more than just shipping one if I could find a two chicken box.
We'll move this over to a PM - we're not allowed to do any sales stuff on this thread.
If you would like a used box, I have a double Horizon one here that I could ship to Leigh for the cost of postage. I got two young pullets in it about 7 weeks ago and they have been very healthy. :) I could spray it down with activated Oxine before I ship it if you like.
If you would like a used box, I have a double Horizon one here that I could ship to Leigh for the cost of postage. I got two young pullets in it about 7 weeks ago and they have been very healthy. :) I could spray it down with activated Oxine before I ship it if you like.

What an amazingly generous offer! I'll leave it up to Roo.

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