Swedish Flower Hen Thread

I will be hatching out SFH chicks soon. Just skipping around this huge post I have seen a few comments about the SFH needing special care (such as non-medicated chick starter). Is there a comprehensive beginners guide to SFH somewhere? I'd like to know why non-medicated feed is thought to harm them and any other concerns breeders are experiencing beginning with hatching.

This post is just so long and full of pictures (beautiful pictures!), it would take me a year to read. I've raised a variety of other breeds, and want to know what exactly to expect different with these gorgeous birds.

I will be hatching out SFH chicks soon.  Just skipping around this huge post I have seen a few comments about the SFH needing special care (such as non-medicated chick starter).  Is there a comprehensive beginners guide to SFH somewhere?  I'd like to know why non-medicated feed is thought to harm them and any other concerns breeders are experiencing beginning with hatching.

This post is just so long and full of pictures (beautiful pictures!), it would take me a year to read.  I've raised a variety of other breeds, and want to know what exactly to expect different with these gorgeous birds.

some have fed medicated chick starter without issue whiles others have noticed their chicks just are not thriving on it. I have fed non medicated to all of mine and never have had one get cocci.
I will be hatching out SFH chicks soon. Just skipping around this huge post I have seen a few comments about the SFH needing special care (such as non-medicated chick starter). Is there a comprehensive beginners guide to SFH somewhere? I'd like to know why non-medicated feed is thought to harm them and any other concerns breeders are experiencing beginning with hatching.

This post is just so long and full of pictures (beautiful pictures!), it would take me a year to read. I've raised a variety of other breeds, and want to know what exactly to expect different with these gorgeous birds.

Welcome to the SFH thread!
You're going to love these birds!

Several people have had issues with SFH chicks when they were raised on medicated feed, others had no issues. The medication blocks the uptake of thiamin. This seems to be an issue with some SFH. The problems that cropped up were usually taken care of with vitamins - most used Infant Poly-Vi-Sol, without iron.

I raised my first SFH on medicated feed and I know I lost one for no apparent reason, but I was a beginner. I also fed my chicks kefir which may have lessened the effect of the medication. I soon switched to organic starter and I also give vitamins in the water at least for the first week or two. I have had lots of healthy chicks!

Sending good hatching vibes!
I fed mine medicated for their first 8 weeks with no issues. I don't have them on it now, mainly because so many don't. I most likely won't with this batch in the oven now either. I did give a pedicure mixture in the water for the first 3 weeks. All of mine did fine.
Welcome to the SFH thread! :frow  You're going to love these birds!

Several people have had issues with SFH chicks when they were raised on medicated feed, others had no issues. The medication blocks the uptake of thiamin. This seems to be an issue with some SFH. The problems that cropped up were usually taken care of with vitamins - most used Infant Poly-Vi-Sol, without iron.

I raised my first SFH on medicated feed and I know I lost one for no apparent reason, but I was a beginner. I also fed my chicks kefir which may have lessened the effect of the medication. I soon switched to organic starter and I also give vitamins in the water at least for the first week or two. I have had lots of healthy chicks! :jumpy

Sending good hatching vibes! :fl

What vitamins do you add and do you use them with all your breeds? I would like to do more for my hatchlings (silkies and jubilee orpingtons this round) but not real sure where to start.
I lost one of my Swedish Flower Hens today. My black crested hen was killed by a hawk while I was gone today. My daughter heard the commotion and went out in her bare feet to see what was the matter. She saw a small hawk, perhaps a peregrin or kestrel, on the fence to the pasture next to the SFH coop. She scared it away. I am not sure if the hen was already dead at that point and she just didn't see her, or if the hawk returned later. My husband found the hen when he went to lock up the coop tonight. Needless to say, the flock will be on lockdown until I do something to discourage the hawk. RIP Diamant!
[COLOR=141823]I lost one of my Swedish Flower Hens today. My black crested hen was killed by a hawk while I was gone today. My daughter heard the commotion and went out in her bare feet to see what was the matter. She saw a small hawk, perhaps a peregrin or kestrel, on the fence to the pasture next to the SFH coop. She scared it away. I am not sure if the hen was already dead at that point and she just didn't see her, or if the hawk returned later. My husband found the hen when he went to lock up the coop tonight. Needless to say, the flock will be on lockdown until I do something to discourage the hawk. RIP Diamant![/COLOR]
again, I'm sorry Walli

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