Swedish Flower Hen Thread

Hmm, I think you look dumb when you keep claiming you have something you clearly don't have. Take the advice, say thank you, and correct it if possible. I can see how it happens a lot with these newer breeds.
I'm looking forward to these SFH growing out, it's my favorite part of chicken keeping.
Hmm, I think you look dumb when you keep claiming you have something you clearly don't have. Take the advice, say thank you, and correct it if possible. I can see how it happens a lot with these newer breeds.
I'm looking forward to these SFH growing out, it's my favorite part of chicken keeping.

I AGREE! Unfortunately many people don't see it that way. I also know some really don't even care if they can get away with passing something off as a "rare breed" if they think they will make money with it.
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I AGREE! Unfortunately many people don't see it that way. I also know some really don't even care if they can get away with passing something off as a "rare breed" if they think they will make money with it.
That is why you should also ask how long a breeder has been working with a breed. Those who are just in it for the money will not stick with any breed for very long. They are always moving on to the newest breeds where they see the most profit. Those that love the breed stick with it, even after the going price has come down. That is not to say some new breeders aren't passionate, but they will need to prove themselves in other ways.
I had a chick in my very first group of SFH chicks that was sold to me as a SFH that wasn't. It was an honest mistake, and it wasn't a mix, the gal just had one of the others in the incubator get mixed in with the Swedes and it looked very much like one of the predominantly black babies.

I was posting photos here of the 4 "kiddos" and after they grew out of the baby stage it began to become obvious that this one wasn't SFH at all. I was grateful for the input, and it turns out that little girl was likely a BA, but definitely not even a mix of SFH.

Those 4 chicks actually came from 2 different sources and the other 3 were clearly the real thing..again, in this case, just an honest mistake.

Now that I have a little more history with the breed, I'm better at knowing who to purchase from and what the real thing looks like. But that little black girl would still be hard to tell today at the baby chick stage.
I agree.  I've seen photos posted here on BYC in other threads of folks selling SFH and they clearly weren't. 

This really muddies the waters, especially for folks that just don't know what they're getting.  I wish there was a way to fix that but I have no idea what that would be.  Then the market gets flooded with "SFH" that aren't..  

It makes the rest of us sound like "SFH snobs" or something.  I've seen more than one time when someone was told what they had wasn't a Swede that got very offended.

I've learned very quickly to question everything and do tons of research. (I've been stalking this thread for almost a year now) ;)

Please, someone, inform me if I ever show a bird that isn't what I think it is. Why would people not want to know?

Exactly! I don't understand people who don't want to learn more about something they love.

I AGREE! Unfortunately many people don't see it that way. I also know some really don't even care if they can get away with passing something off as a "rare breed" if they think they will make money with it.

And there's the one's who are in it for the quick buck. Those I will not comment on...



Hi guys, I'm hoping you could help me with this lil girl. She is a hatchery chick. But do you think she is a Swedish Flower Hen, speckled sussex or possibly a partridge Penedesenca?

Hi guys, I'm hoping you could help me with this lil girl. She is a hatchery chick. But do you think she is a Swedish Flower Hen, speckled sussex or possibly a partridge Penedesenca?
I am certainly no expert but she looks like a Cream Legbar to me.

ETA - Does she have a crest starting? (it's hard to tell with the blurred out section on her head)
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