Swedish Flower Hen Thread

can you get us a picture? All of mine have your typical quarter-inch spur bump but it doesn't grow.
I don't have a decent camera, so I wouldn't be able to get you a close-up shot of the spurs. None of my other SFH pullets are developing these spur bumps, so it seemed odd to see them on this one female. In your experience, do the spur bumps stay very small, even in SFH that are 2+ years old?
I have a hen with spurs. Kjerstin is one of my original SFH and is about 5.5 yo now. Hers are about an inch long and look fairly sharp. She is the boss in the coop. I am not sure if the spurs made her the boss or if being the boss caused her spurs.
I thought perhaps she might be infertile, but she is not. I don't think I kept any of her offspring, so I don't know if it passes down the line. Later this spring I will be hatching to increase my own flock, so I will let you know if I see any pullets that follow in her footsteps. Thi
I have a hen with spurs. Kjerstin is one of my original SFH and is about 5.5 yo now. Hers are about an inch long and look fairly sharp. She is the boss in the coop. I am not sure if the spurs made her the boss or if being the boss caused her spurs.
I thought perhaps she might be infertile, but she is not. I don't think I kept any of her offspring, so I don't know if it passes down the line. Later this spring I will be hatching to increase my own flock, so I will let you know if I see any pullets that follow in her footsteps. Thi
I would think that ANYTHING that pops up on your birds COULD breed down the line even if it was dormant or only showed up occasionally.
I mean, it's not an extra toe... but still the same concept.

As a land race breed, hen spurs might be a benefit! However if it's something you don't like, don't breed it forward. (for whoever was concerned about it)
I have a hen with spurs. Kjerstin is one of my original SFH and is about 5.5 yo now. Hers are about an inch long and look fairly sharp. She is the boss in the coop. I am not sure if the spurs made her the boss or if being the boss caused her spurs.
I thought perhaps she might be infertile, but she is not. I don't think I kept any of her offspring, so I don't know if it passes down the line. Later this spring I will be hatching to increase my own flock, so I will let you know if I see any pullets that follow in her footsteps. Thi
Thank you. This is very helpful. I suspected that at least in some cases, the spurs would continue to grow and become sharp. This could be an issue for a broody hen, in that it would increase the risk of breaking eggs. I'll have to do some digging into the genetics to find out how it's transmitted (dominant, recessive, co-dominant?). I guess for now it may be best to leave my spurred hen out of the breeding program.

Had a couple more littles hatch this morning. Just set another dozen eggs yesterday. There is a wind storm starting so hopefully no power outages again. I am on a quest to hatch a couple blue crested pullets. It drives me nuts if I don't have every possible color combo. OCD I guess.

Had a couple more littles hatch this morning. Just set another dozen eggs yesterday. There is a wind storm starting so hopefully no power outages again. I am on a quest to hatch a couple blue crested pullets. It drives me nuts if I don't have every possible color combo. OCD I guess.

I can't wait to hatch some more. And my FBCM are so aggressive in the flock, it's hard not to think about ditching them. And when treating or inspecting the girls are fighters. good if you have heavy predator load not so good for handling.

My crested flower boy attacking me every time I enter the cockerel pen is starting to get on my nerves though!
I'm sure it's because he sat on my lap as a young cockerel and therefore doesn't see me as a threat to himself.

I am considering breeding and keeping only the best out of the next generation but none of this generation. Any input which is more ideal? One way or another, I am concerned I will not be able to reform this young man because we have worked on it quite a bit and he charges me through the fence even.

Many of the flower eggs I set did hatch even though my humidity may have been higher than preferred. Actually had 11 eggs hatch,
at least 6 of those were flowers but lost two of them. So still 4 flowers in the brooder with other hatchery and hatched chicks. And I gave 4 barn yard mix to a broody, my first ever!

Surprising how many on here are at least a little OCD!
I've only ever had one Cockerel that tried to get tough with me and I spent the next couple days chasing him around with a spray bottle. He learned really quick to leave me alone. That was when he was about 20 weeks. Now he is a perfect sweet adult boy who comes running when i call him. Dont give up on him.
I've only ever had one Cockerel that tried to get tough with me and I spent the next couple days chasing him around with a spray bottle. He learned really quick to leave me alone. That was when he was about 20 weeks. Now he is a perfect sweet adult boy who comes running when i call him. Dont give up on him.
He's a pretty good guy. Since I know I made the problem, I am sure I can also see it through.
Having an understanding of what's going on helps a lot. And I don't have kids I have to worry about. So I won't give up.

And discovered when I am chasing a little and training I have to remind myself I am doing this BECAUSE I like him.... not because I don't.

One of my flower girls hangs out on my lap sometimes. And another one is starting to hang out around my feet and chat with me.

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