Swedish Flower Hen Thread

I recently set 6 swedish flower eggs. These come from a pen with one rooster, so I shouldn't breed them to one another. Who is has this breed near Colorado? Would anyone be interested in a Rooster swap? The stock came from Greenfire Farms, so does anyone has stock from someone other than Greenfire? (if that even exists?)

Looking forward to just having some good layers either way, so may have boys in a few months to rehome. Let me know if you're interested. Thanks!
Here are my tiny ones. What do you think their colors might be when they grow up? The yellow one has an orange spot on top of its head. The brown one is a beautiful warm reddish medium brown, with cream on the chest and belly. On both of them the wing and tail feathers coming in are a warm grey color, the yellow one also has cream color on the feathers.
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Here are my tiny ones. What do you think their colors might be when they grow up? The yellow one has an orange spot on top of its head. The brown one is a beautiful warm reddish medium brown, with cream on the cheat and belly. On both of them the wing and tail feathers coming in are a warm grey color, the yellow one also has cream color on the feathers.
I think my browns come in mili fleur.
Finally getting chicks from my Swedish

Good morning, welcome to BYC!

I could be wrong... but I've never seen a flower hatch with a poof on it's head like #3.

All of my crested are born without it and it develops around 3-4 weeks. Could just be deceptive pictures or my eyes are fooling me, but the first 1 looks bearded.

They are beautiful babies!
If I'm to breed my Crested hen to my noncrested Cock will I get some with crests and some without crests? Or. Very small crests?
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If I'm to breed my Crested hen to my noncrested rooster will I get some with crests and some without crests? Or. Very small crests?
You will get 50% crested...

But SFH crest should not be like the Polish. It should not cover the eyes.
From GFF... this is what it should look like...

But from the same site, I think this one is a little too poofy...

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