Sweet hubby-must be love!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 15, 2012
Arlington/Mansfield, Texas
I have been in bed with kidney stones for the past few days. Feeling bad.

If you seen one of my past threads I had a White Faced Black Spanish(Domino) pullet(2.5 months), who had a broken leg. We removed her from the coop with the little girls(2 months). Her leg is now healed, we tried to put her back in with the girls she was with-they are now double her size and ganged up on her. I was feeling bad because, I don't like my girls being alone, so I have feeling bad for her.

Today my husband and son came home from running errands-they had gone by the woman(Thank you, Mickey) where I had orginially got my WFBS. They had came home with one of Domino's sisters, to keep her company. Harley(short for Harlequin) is now a new member to my flock. Up to 16 girls now.

I am grateful for a chicken loving husband.

PS- They had stopped at one our children's house on the way home- my 3 year old granddaughter got all excited cause grandpa had brought her, her very own chicken. My husband told her is was for grandma, she went inside and got her backpack. Told our son that she was moving in with grandma & grandpa. She is my chicken girl! But her and her brother would move in with us in a heart beat. They do love all the animals.(Cows, pigs, dogs, rabbits & chickens).

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