Sweet Penguin Video


13 Years
Jul 1, 2009
Southern Maryland
OK. So not techically ducks... but sort of. And I knew ya'll would LOVE IT!!


Ummmm..................I am not sure there is anything cuter than a baby penquin. Those babies are to die for cute, and can the adults be better parents? The baby trying to get up the little snow drift.....the baby biting the other babies hand.......the baby walking in the parents feet......OH MY GOSH.....I actually sighed!!!! And the music to amazing, as well.

LOVE stuff like this....thanks for sharing!
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TOTALLY! Don't you just LOVE that mom who walks with her baby standing on top of her feet?? Such beautiful and sweet natured birds! They make me goofy... LOL!
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I don't know about you, but I was sort of surprised at how BIG they were. In the first shot of the parent standing with the baby leaned up against their tummy... didn't it look to you like the grown penguin was almost as tall as the person kneeling nearby with a camera? That's, like, oh I dunno... 4 feet tall?

Wow. And I thought Bald Eagles were huge.
I don't know how tall they actually are but I know that was the sweetest video I have seen in a while, they didn't seem the least bit intimadated by all the people either.
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No! Quite the contrary... I thought in the first few shots that they were totally hamming it up by posing for the cameras. After I watched for a bit, it seems like the were just doing their normal thing, but man! they just seemed to take everything in stride. Sort of like my Muscovy! Only, even more zen - LOL!

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