Swelling over my hen's eye (w/PHOTOS) - help!


7 Years
Apr 17, 2017
Finger Lakes, NY
Hello! My 9 week old Buff Orpington has a swelling over/around her eye which I noticed around 24 hours ago. I am not aware of any injury or sting (of course, I'm not watching her 24/7)! She shares a large coop & run with two other BO's and one Plymouth Rock, they free range around 1-2 hours a day. They are all around 9 weeks old and raised together. None of the girls seem to fight with one another.

Her behavior has thus far been normal - she's eating, drinking, scratching as usual. No discharge, no sneezing. I'm posting two photos, one of her "good side" one of her "bad side", taken this morning. Any advice is welcome; I'm new to chicken raising. Thank you!

Bad side:
chicken1 - Copy.jpg
Good side:
chicken2 - Copy.jpg
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This just happened to both of my roosters yesterday!! It appeared like an allergic reaction to me as well because there is no discharge and they are acting completely normal. Did you ever find out what it was, or can you tell me what I should do to help them?
Look for any sting marks or peck wounds. Swelling around an eye can be from a respiratory disease such as mycoplasma (MG,) but I would keep an eye on her for the swelling to go down, since you are not seeing any other respiratory symptoms. Can you see any bubbles or discharge in the eye?
I can't speak for NewYorkMama but these are my Roos and they haven't had any bubbling or discharge. It has been 24 hours and the swelling is only slightly less but no other signs appeared and no peck marks. I did find a small tick attached to the BR non swollen eyelid?
Look for any sting marks or peck wounds. Swelling around an eye can be from a respiratory disease such as mycoplasma (MG,) but I would keep an eye on her for the swelling to go down, since you are not seeing any other respiratory symptoms. Can you see any bubbles or discharge in the eye?
No bubbles or discharge. It seems to have gone down some today - she's still eating/drinking/acting normally...
I did see an area slightly more red to the left of the swelling - possibly that was a bite/sting mark?
I can't speak for NewYorkMama but these are my Roos and they haven't had any bubbling or discharge. It has been 24 hours and the swelling is only slightly less but no other signs appeared and no peck marks. I did find a small tick attached to the BR non swollen eyelid?
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beautiful roosters! How are they doing today? My hen seems better... it still looks slightly swollen but not nearly as much. She's still acting like nothing's wrong.
Hello! My 9 week old Buff Orpington has a swelling over/around her eye which I noticed around 24 hours ago. I am not aware of any injury or sting (of course, I'm not watching her 24/7)! She shares a large coop & run with two other BO's and one Plymouth Rock, they free range around 1-2 hours a day. They are all around 9 weeks old and raised together. None of the girls seem to fight with one another.

Her behavior has thus far been normal - she's eating, drinking, scratching as usual. No discharge, no sneezing. I'm posting two photos, one of her "good side" one of her "bad side", taken this morning. Any advice is welcome; I'm new to chicken raising. Thank you!

Bad side:
View attachment 1041544 Good side:
View attachment 1041545
Thanks for your help everyone! She's doing much better today - swelling is all but gone and there's a tiny scab I can see now behind where the swelling was - looks like she must have gotten stung or bitten.

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