Swimming in eggs, can't find customers! Update, pg. 6

Oh I see!! WOW! Well, count on them going broke in no time!! They will suffer for it if they keep up. Maybe it's just a marketting ploy to get clientele built and then raise the price. NO WAY they are profitting or can they continue to sell so low!
Things is, everyone sold eggs for 4-5 dollars a dozen, up until a few months ago.
Feed prices have gone up since then, so it puzzles me to no end, why anyone would lower the egg prices.
Even our feed store can't take our eggs to sell. They are being undercut as well.
Same here actually. People here would be eggless before they would pay $4. Maybe the market is a lot different there, but that's why I hatch most instead of selling.

We are going to start hatching and selling fertile eggs as soon as spring arrives.
Hatching chicks in below zero weather is not a good idea up here.

GOOD IDEA!! You'll turn a better profit that way, and at the very least should be able to pay for feed!
i bet they are just trying to get customers... then they'll up the price little by little.. maybe.
WOW that's bad! I would be a egg eating fool to cut my grocery bill. If you can't make it work one way...turn around and go another direction until it does work. At least...that's MY theory
Hello to AK, mu husband is from Valdez, and I lived up there for a year...during which we met and got married. We 're in the lower 48 now. I am surpirsed that people are finding $4.00 excessive, as the people in my area charge $3.00. The newbs will fizzle out or bring the price up once they figure out how much money they are forking out.
BTW to keep them from going to waste...scramble and feed back to the flock or freeze them for future consumption. At least that would cut your feed bill if they go back to the hens
Maybe that will work until these other people go broke from their stupidity.
Look at this way I think you'll understand what they are doing:

You: Eggs $4.00 selling good
Them: Eggs $2.00 Selling better than you so making more money by being able to outsell you. (more money being without subtracting the cost of the chicks and feed that is)

If they have 15 dozen and only sell 5 doz at $4, they have $20 bucks, but if they can sell ALL 15 doz at $2 they have 30 bucks. They don't see the cost of feed and such, they are just happy they sold all their eggs and got 30 instead of just selling a few and getting 20!

It's a hobby for them, and it's fun to get money for their hobby.
The average I see in my area is $2.00, since no one can really afford to pay much more. They are about that price from the store, when you are out of work or at minimum wage, every cent counts. I feed my extra eggs to the dogs or back to the hens. I have some frozen for baking and I give some away to friends.
I charge $3 a dozen but plenty of folks around me charge $2. I usually sell out because we don't sell ours locally, at least not in the rural area we live. We sell almost all of our to clients in town. My wife is on a bowling league and is also a hair stylist so she is around large groups of people. When we have eggs, she just posts on her facebook account and the orders roll in for the next bowling night or hair appointment. One thing we do to add value to our product is to print a label that goes on every carton with a logo and url to our farm blog where folks can see the chickens that produce their food. When we started doing this, any complaints about the price went out the door and we are rarely able to keep up with the orders. This would be an easy thing for most folks to do and you could even print the url to direct buyers to your BYC page. We are also working on a small insert that will answer frequently asked questions as well as have some interesting chicken and egg facts.

It becomes all about doing what they are not, or doing what they are, but doing it better.

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