Swimming in eggs, can't find customers! Update, pg. 6

For commercial feed, which is what most people use, its about $18 for 50 pounds.
We buy a special barley/fishmeal mix, that is all local, and its $28 for 80 pounds.
Comes out to 8 cents per pound more then commercial non organic.
It all depends on where you are and what people are will to pay . I live in the country and everyone is selling 2.50 or more . I started selling mine for 1.75 to get the base set then maybe raise it a little just to show people they are good .
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I have 9 girls laying. I sell eggs for 1.50/doz. Store-bought factory eggs here are 1.48/doz. My feed is 8.00/50#. I'm a happy camper.
can you "add value" and pickle them and sell them thataway? There is a kick BUTT recipe on here. Someone won alaska state fair with that recipe... she sent me some and I about DIED and went to heaven when i ate them. They were REALLY REALLY GOOD!!! Cindy's pickled egg recipe or something like that. If you can't search it out I have it saved somewhere.
I get layer feed for $15.00/ 100 lbs. and it lasts about 6 weeks in the winter. I sell my eggs for $2.00/dozen. I put my sign out when I have 2 dozen eggs and sell out the same day usually. I have 6 hens and get 5-6 eggs /day. My feed is paid for with a little extra and I get to enjoy my girls. There is never a day goes by that something they do cracks me up. I am going to get another 6 ISA Browns this spring. A chick goes for $1.50, a pullet for $7.00. My little Browns have yet to miss a day laying since they matured. I won't get rich nor even make a living from the egg sales but that was not and is not my purpose. They are all pets and are all good natured. When they see me they all come running and if I ignore them they lightly peck at my pants begging for treats. I luv em.
What I don't hatch, eat myself, or give to one of the neighbors, I cook them and feed them back to the girls. I just don't trust strangers coming to my place anymore and if I'm gonna have to deliver them, it's just not worth the effort for a few measly bucks.
I would love to have that recipe too- I'm not getting any eggs right now but get overloaded in the spring and the summer. Oh and I think that eggs around here go for about $1 or $1.50 around here. But then again a lot of people have chickens around here. Before I got chickens people were always sending me eggs all the time. Most people around here mostly keep chickens as a hobby ( at least the ones I know) and if they sell any it's only a perk.
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