Swimming in eggs, can't find customers! Update, pg. 6

Never had pickled eggs.. but I think that has to do with the idea of Balut.

We buy eggs at the feed store for $2 a dozen. They sell from 2 different people.
My wife and I raise chickens and live in Alaska as well. We have over 30 chickens and just raise them for our own use (we have 7 kids) and have a ton of eggs every week as well. We give our extras away at church and hard boil a bunch of them or freeze them for later use as was suggested in a few earlier posts. If you buy those big jars of pickles you can take the hard boiled eggs and put them in the left over juice from the pickles. The kids love them. You have to let them sit for a bit, but are very good and it gives more uses to the juice instead of just tossing it. Just a thought.
My mother-in-law pickles hard boiled eggs in the juice from pickled beets. They are wonderful. The whites get dark pink all the way to the yolk, they taste great!
Seriously would you pay $4.00 a dozen?? I started selling mine at work for 1.50 then one of my customers said I should sell them for 2.00 so thats what I sell at. I live in the Amish commutity and they all sell their eggs for between 1.50 to 2.00 a dozen. I'm starting to track everything now, seeing how now I'm getting customers and more of my new flock has started laying regular now.
Don't know if it has been mentioned or not already...but I'm looking forward to the day we have "extra" eggs b/c it would be great to give them out to neighbors or families that may be hurting financially right now. I think there' a lady on BYC that was talking about this as an "Egg Ministry"(lol)! But seriously, alot of families are in a bad way and it's a nice "old fashioned" gesture to give away some of your surplus. I think it would even be fun the drop them off on people's door steps so they mysteriosly find them there in the morning!(Of course...we may have to wait for the weather to warm up a tad!) Plus you will reap what you sow and you just can never be too generous! (Not trying to take away from those of you who sell eggs...I can absolutely see the merits in that too..feed isn't cheap! )
Blessings,Keri PS. Search "Sparrow Ministry"
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Just make sure to leave them where they won't accidentally step on the eggs before they realize you've left them, it might be interpreted as a "gesture" of a different kind...
Seriously would you pay $4.00 a dozen?? I started selling mine at work for 1.50 then one of my customers said I should sell them for 2.00 so thats what I sell at. I live in the Amish commutity and they all sell their eggs for between 1.50 to 2.00 a dozen. I'm starting to track everything now, seeing how now I'm getting customers and more of my new flock has started laying regular now.

Yes I would, and I could point you to dozens of families up here that do. Feed prices, no matter how you cut it, even for the farmers who get the discount, require the higher price. The grocery stores sell their "free range" ones for almost $5 a dozen up here.
The feed store sells naturally grown for $5 per dozen. It has been the standard for years.

I would certainly sell at $2 per dozen, if it made financial sense. But it would mean I would be paying them to eat the eggs.

Our trouble is stemming from 4-5 people who dropped there prices a few months ago, to half what it costs to feed hens.
And believe me, there are no super cheap food sources in Alaska. Period.
Even for humans. And thank the Lord we hunt and fish, otherwise we would starve.
For example, one red pepper, costs $3.

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