Swollen newborn duckling



Dec 15, 2020
Hey guys. Making another thread for visibility. Just had a 2nd egg hatch from the duck eggs I've been incubating. He took about 3 days and a half compared to his sibling to fully hatch out due to pipping on the opposite end. Hes very lively, peeping and trying to move but is extremely swollen. Is there anything I can do for him? I put a tiny bit of neosporin on the opening.


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Hey guys. Making another thread for visibility. Just had a 2nd egg hatch from the duck eggs I've been incubating. He took about 3 days and a half compared to his sibling to fully hatch out due to pipping on the opposite end. Hes very lively, peeping and trying to move but is extremely swollen. Is there anything I can do for him? I put a tiny bit of neosporin on the opening.
Can you get a couple more pics? It looks like he just has a rough navel. What you're doing is good, just keep it clean. 👍
Can you get a couple more pics? It looks like he just has a rough navel. What you're doing is good, just keep it clean. 👍
He's still got a bit of poop on it from the egg but the rest of it just looks like it's drying up. Hes very round and swollen looking compared to the other that hatched (that ones running around in the brooder now). Not sure if it's just because this one was in the egg so long? Hes very peppy though so I don't think it's bothering him.


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He's still got a bit of poop on it from the egg but the rest of it just looks like it's drying up. Hes very round and swollen looking compared to the other that hatched (that ones running around in the brooder now). Not sure if it's just because this one was in the egg so long? Hes very peppy though so I don't think it's bothering him.
I think it'll heal up ok. Can you get a full body pic? Sorry, lol. Just trying to get an idea of what it's like. Do you have any nutridrench or poultry electrolytes you can give him for a little pick-me-up? If he seems active that's great though.
I think it'll heal up ok. Can you get a full body pic? Sorry, lol. Just trying to get an idea of what it's like. Do you have any nutridrench or poultry electrolytes you can give him for a little pick-me-up? If he seems active that's great though.
I just put him back in the brooder to warm up since I've had the poor thing out torturing him (just putting the neosporin on 😂) and didn't want him to get cold. I'll get some pics in a bit though. I do have electrolytes & probiotics so I'll try to get him to drink a bit of that. 😁
I just put him back in the brooder to warm up since I've had the poor thing out torturing him (just putting the neosporin on 😂) and didn't want him to get cold. I'll get some pics in a bit though. I do have electrolytes & probiotics so I'll try to get him to drink a bit of that. 😁
No problem! That's perfect. That should definitely help. 👍
He's going to do just fine, I'm sure.
No problem! That's perfect. That should definitely help. 👍
He's going to do just fine, I'm sure.
He's doing better and he fluffed up now. The swelling went down a tiny bit. I know why he took so long now...😥. Poor little dudes leg is completely inverted. The joint and foot face completely the opposite direction. It's not splay leg, just the leg facing the wrong way (inwards I mean). Dunno if he has much of a chance but he's so excited when I take him out and he's trying to run so I'm gonna do everything I can for him.


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He's doing better and he fluffed up now. The swelling went down a tiny bit. I know why he took so long now...😥. Poor little dudes leg is completely inverted. The joint and foot face completely the opposite direction. It's not splay leg, just the leg facing the wrong way (inwards I mean). Dunno if he has much of a chance but he's so excited when I take him out and he's trying to run so I'm gonna do everything I can for him.
Aw, poor baby! Can you post some more pics of the leg when you get a chance? Was it that way when he hatched? And what do you have for brooder bedding? I'm wondering if he slipped a tendon. I hope he makes it.
Aw, poor baby! Can you post some more pics of the leg when you get a chance? Was it that way when he hatched? And what do you have for brooder bedding? I'm wondering if he slipped a tendon. I hope he makes it.
He originally was keeping his foot like that when he hatched but I assumed it was from the long time he was in the egg. I wrapped them when I put him in the brooder just in case but I think it's a deformity as it's facing inwards. For the brooder I currently have old (rough) towels in there. I have him in his own little thing right now so he doesn't get stepped on. The other baby has been staring at him over the edge of the container. Probably wondering why I won't let him out haha. I did get a picture but he had his foot folded up so it's difficult to see.


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He originally was keeping his foot like that when he hatched but I assumed it was from the long time he was in the egg. I wrapped them when I put him in the brooder just in case but I think it's a deformity as it's facing inwards. For the brooder I currently have old (rough) towels in there. I have him in his own little thing right now so he doesn't get stepped on. The other baby has been staring at him over the edge of the container. Probably wondering why I won't let him out haha.
What exactly do you mean when you say you wrapped them?

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