Taking orders for pick up at NEPC in January-Marans, Coronation, Lav Orps, Silkies Auction NPIP


10 Years
Jan 30, 2009
I will be at the North East Poultry Congress in Springfield, Mass. on January 19 & 20.

I will be bringing black & blue copper Marans, Coronation Sussex, blue, partridge, grey & black Silkies, Lavendar Orpingtons (if they start laying soon)

* Update:

Got first egg today from Lav Orps, so looks like I"ll have a few. Blue silkie in pic hatched & will be available for sale. Lots like it as well!

I have hatching lots of blue Silkies.....they will be from 4 to 1 week old. Partridge eggs in incubator last week so will have them, Catdance Roo in with my hen that won BV Partridge last year at this show!

If anyone will be attending and want to reserve chicks, PLEASE PM ME! I often forget to read this forum.

Chick prices will be as follows, straight run:

Marans $12 each (all Marans chicks will be hatched from at least a #6 on the MCCUSA Egg chart)
Coronation Sussex $10 each
Lav Orpingtons $10 each
Silkies $10. each
Possibly a few blrw pullets. $20 each. I've sold all my blrw adults but have these chicks which will be the last of my line.

Payment will be when you pick them up at the show. Must be picked up on Saturday of show. Why? because if anyone decides to not get what they ordered, it gives me Sunday to sell them.
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Yes, if I have it. blue & black, no splash. Partridge & possibly silver partridge.

I hatched out the last chicks of my blue laced red Wyandottes. I sold my flock. I might have sexable birds at the show if I don't sell them before.
After 7 years, I have other other breeds that I'm working on and needed to let go of something. I still have a few chicks available, but am moving on.
I love my Coronations & lav Orpingtons. I've also developed a liking for Silkies.....which even surprized me!

I also like to rearrange furniture,, so I think its just something that I need to do to keep my interest! LOL
Ok. Well good luck! I enjoyed going to your website and looking at your BLRW! I've been doing BLRW for 3 years is all, and it is alot of work, and the breed really does have a long ways to go yet.
Have fun with your silkies!! :)
I am very interested in some black copper marans. can you let me know some info on them? My son lost his to a mink this fall and he won grand champion at the fair with his so we are looking for some quality birds. Thanks jASON
They are Bev Davis lines. I've had Marans since 2007. Hatching mostly black coppers now, with the occasional blue copper.

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