Tall single chickmomma seeks to expand her flock

chickenannie you will find someone to share with relax and they'll come around. and open the conversation with do you like chickens. personally i think he was shallow to break up with you over that if thats the case. wish you the best.
LoneCowboy, you are so right! I'm so glad I met my (future) husband at 20 and married at 25. But then again, some people wouldn't have it that way. I just happen to love it.
Well I'm not single, but just in case Josh Holloway is reading this CALL ME!!!!

(If my husband answers just hang up and try again later)
Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding!!!!!!! When someone can't at least *respect* your hobbies & understand that it's OK to have different tastes w/o it being an issue, that usually points to even bigger underlying compatibility problems in the long run, at least in my experience. I went through the same thing due to my rather extensive collection of pythons, and when I was finally given an ultimatum (i.e. "it's me or the snakes!"), I was amazed at how many extra cages I had room for w/o all his stuff in the way.

Hang in there & don't give up hope. Sometimes you meet just the right person when you aren't actively looking! Your chickens are a good guide too - i.e. don't put too much stock in people who don't like animals!
I finally met Mr. Roux 6 years ago & he has an even bigger collection of critters than I did. 2 obsessive collectors = 1 HUGE menagerie!

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I don't see anything wrong with meeting someone on a site where people share common interests. I think it would be a great thing.
It's really hard to get married at an older age. We get so stuck in our ways. I was actually very happy being single. I had a good job, if I didn't have to deal with the people and politics. I had great friends. But it was time to move on and I met this great guy. He really is wonderful. Sometimes his "The world revolves around me" additude bugs me, but then I think that's a problem with having gotten married older. Good luck and I hope you find the right guy but don't compromise! Stick to your guns and find the right guy don't settle.
Wanna wish the OP good luck. I met my husband online... Not like a dating thing, though. We met online, then were friends for a couple of years IRL before we started dating. ... Though, now that I think about it, we have an awful lot in common, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to club him in the head repeatedly on a regular basis. LOL

We will be celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary in May. (If I don't beat the tar out of him first!)


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