Taming A Flighty Cochin Step By Step

Coturnix Quail

5 Years
Jul 3, 2016
A while back i posted a thread similar to this, but I really need help. I have 9 seven month old hens, and almost all of them are so sweet. I have a Blue Cochin, and she runs away every time I walk by her, but ever since I got rid of the rooster, they seem to trust me more - except for her. I can hold her for a few seconds, but she screams and flaps her wings, and she's usually the only one I can't take out when I put them in the garden, so she gets lonely. I just need some tips on how she won't be so frightened of me anymore. Sometimes she gets curious and comes by, but if I move, she runs away. I guess things have gotten a tiny bit better though.. :hmm
I have a bantam is the same way. Not all birds will be warm enough to hop on your shoulder each time you come out, but you might be able to get her to warm up to you. Try bringing treats whenever you come out and getting quiet and low to the ground. See if she's willing to jump in your lap for some treats. Good luck :)
All of mine are super friendly except for one. While I can occasionally get her to take a treat from my hand, I've accepted that she will never be comfortable with humans. She was like this as a chick and I think it's just who she is. If you go into it with no expectations and keep trying to hand feed with her favorite treats it might get a tiny bit better but it also may not.
The thing is, she was a cuddly little chick. I don't know what happened, she used to sleep in my lap all the time.. I guess things just changed..

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