Taming a "wild" duckling


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 31, 2009
I realize this is not a chicken question but if anyone has ideas please let me know!
Yesterday I went out and bought 3 Khaki Campbell ducklings. They were with their mom in a large yard and we had to chase them and catch them with a net (sounds a lot worse than it actually was!). They were/are basically wild as they were not handled before this point and their mom was also only simi-tame. Two of the ducklings are pretty wild but don't mind being held too much. The other one is the problem maker. She is bitting whenever I pick her up. While her bits don't hurt right now, I don't want her to bit one of my human little ones and freak them out. Nor do I want her to grow up with the habit of bitting. Any ideas?
I have started holding her and talking to her softly. I plan on doing this quite often over the next week (or more!) with the hope of taming her down a bit. Even if she is never a duck that likes to be held I need her not to bite people.

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