Tape worm in egg??


7 Years
Mar 9, 2017
I cracked an egg this morning into a heated pan and I was shocked to see a huge worm like thing in the egg white. It was about 1/4” wide and 4-5” long. It seemed to be alive but I think it was moving because the pan was hot and the egg white was jiggling in the heat. I was so grossed out I just threw it down the sink. I never thought to take a picture of it.

Has anyone ever experienced a flat tape worm in an egg? It looked like it had a rounded head at one end. I’ve heard that worms are only in the alimentary tract not the reproductive tract. If that is true what was that ugly thing?

It didn’t look like any Chalaza that I have ever seen.

We’ve never noticed worms in our flock before but I’m going to get a fecal culture of the hen I think the egg came from. There haven’t been any before now ever. We’ve had chickens for ten years.
Thanks for any insight.
I’ve heard that worms are only in the alimentary tract not the reproductive tract. If that is true what was that ugly thing?
Mostly true.. looks like they can migrate there..



Did you take pics? Some pics in this link for comparison..


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