Tape worms AGAIN!!! Here is what I did in July, what do I do NOW??

We call it rice!

so is there a picture of what we are looking for that we can go by? I know how to identify the cat one.....lol....and yep looks like rice. so chicken poop should have rice looking objects in their poop also?
Glad you confirmed. I have 4 of 18 clean now and I was hoping that you would comment. I have 2 geriatric hens (7+ years) that don't lay, so I'll treat them anyway....so....that leaves only 12 more for me to watch today;)

Yes, the pictures are disgusting. The first time I saw them I literally wanted to barf ...they had all come to the surface and were poking out like little white spikes. Repulsive..... Other things I noted were that the feed was getting eaten in about half the normal time, and suddenly there was TONS of poop and LARGE poops.

Welp, lets hope this does it!!

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