Tatanka Breeders Club: Meat Quail project with history, discussion, pictures and videos

lmao, columbia greene comm college was my first stop after pine plains school district. I ran the parkway like mad as a kid between hudson and pleasant valley.

we head to NY for the pine plains ag fair every oct. now

stay in touch... TD
Well, hatching is over, and we got about 35 out of 70, which is a 50% hatch--not bad for shipped eggs, and they all look healthy and hardy, growing like little weeds already! That should be plenty to start with--we'll see how they grow now.

I wanted to ask--one thing that I'd read is that the chicks should NOT get medicated food. I ordered the Purina Game Bird Starter, 30% protein, as suggested, but it says it is medicated! This IS what was suggested, right? Is it OK to feed them? I got two 50 lb bags of it, so I hope it is, but please let me know if somehow I've made a mistake, and let me know what I should do!!!
I prefer not to feed medicated feed as why medicate if they are not sick. However, this being said, medicated feed will not hurt them. The medication in it, Amprolium, is to HELP prevent Coccidisos. It does not completely prevent it, but it keeps it at bay until the chicks become immune. All chicks have this parasite, the cocci parasite in them, and when the chicks get too much of it to handle in their systems, it over grows and can kill them. Over time the chick becomes able to control this parasite on their own, immunity. So the medicated feed helps keep it at bay until then. However not all chicks get sick and or die. The first hatch I ever did, I had a big cocci outbreak and didn't use medicated feed. I wished I had at the time, however after that first hatch and learned all I did, I never had another outbreak nor have I ever used the medicated feed.

But, it is no big deal that you got the medicated stuff. If you don't want to replace it with non medicated, this stuff won't be any problem.

Good luck with the new babies!!!
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Leyla is right, I was just reading again the benefits of medicated feed.
feedig them this as they grow should be ok, but we may want to switch to non-medicated for a week or two before butcher.
Whew! Thanks for the replies--I bought not one, but two of these bags because the person who ordered it/them said she only orders every couple of months. What would you switch to for the week or two before butcher? I thought this game bird starter was non medicated because other game bird feed I've gotten has been medication free. We'll use this for now, but can you recommend a non medicated feed for later or for another time?

I'll be seeing the babies next week and will try weighing them then. Holly says the one that hatched late is much smaller than the others, which means they've really grown in just one day!
I live in a very rural area and am limited to certain feeds. So the first thing I do if I am looking for a particular feed is ask at the feed store. They can usually help you with the types of feeds and what they can order.

You can also feed Turkey starter, which is what I usually use for my quail. The brand I use is not medicated. Any starter or flock raiser type feed that has at least 28% protein will work. I do try to stick to gamebird feeds, but sometimes I have to use others.

Ask your feed store what they can get for you. Every area of the country sells different brands.
Yeah I always have to use turkey starter too, 26% is the highest I can get in my area but I've always had good luck with it. Personally I always feed medicated feed. The odd time I could not get medicated feed I lost anywhere from 25% to 50% of my batch by 4 months (chickens). I once had a friend who was completely shocked to hear that I only lose a chick or two out of every batch, because she assumed it was normal for half the birds to die before they reach maturity. Turns out her birds were just chronically sick all the time by reinfecting themselves with high volumes of coccidia and I gave her a bag of medicated feed for her next hatch and she didn't lose one. That being said I think coccidia is only really a problem with birds raised on the ground where they have access to their own feces, but I err on the side of caution.
News from the Far North West Division, 3000 miles away? We have an Idaho Steward with fuzzybutts on the ground fairing well.

and another airdrop of "Tatanka" eggs made it to another steward in Texas, hoping for a decent hatch!

a brood of Texas Tatankas hatched recently show promise.

The Quaillective Grows...Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Northwest, Southwest, Missouri River Valley, Rocky Mountain Division...

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