tattered hens


6 Years
Jan 10, 2014
Bear with us 'newbies' as we toss out questions. But now that our roosters have discovered their oats....our girls are looking pretty well worn on their backs and lots of lost feathers, etc. Mostly in the center of their backs. No wounds or broken skin, just ratty looking. I know they sell aprons and stuff but is there really anything that can be done or is it just the way it is if you keep roosters around. Always open to suggestions - thanks!
Bear with us 'newbies' as we toss out questions. But now that our roosters have discovered their oats....our girls are looking pretty well worn on their backs and lots of lost feathers, etc. Mostly in the center of their backs. No wounds or broken skin, just ratty looking. I know they sell aprons and stuff but is there really anything that can be done or is it just the way it is if you keep roosters around. Always open to suggestions - thanks!

If you keep your hen to rooster ratio correct, that shouldn't happen. They recommend 10 hens to one rooster, so if you have more roosters than that, this is what happens.

I've only had this happen once when the ratio was correct and that was when I had some Buff Orpingtons, which are so docile and eager that they were presenting themselves to the roosters over and over and the other hens weren't getting any action. I culled the BOs and everything went back to normal...but, normally, you should never seen rooster wear on your hens. If all your hens are showing this wear and tear, regardless of breed, you have too many roosters.

Time to lose the roos.
Bear with us 'newbies' as we toss out questions. But now that our roosters have discovered their oats....our girls are looking pretty well worn on their backs and lots of lost feathers, etc. Mostly in the center of their backs. No wounds or broken skin, just ratty looking. I know they sell aprons and stuff but is there really anything that can be done or is it just the way it is if you keep roosters around. Always open to suggestions - thanks!
You can either pen the roosters separately in their own pen (bachelor pen) or keep only one roo per 10 hens to see if that helps. The boys should get along OK if there are no girls to fight over, I have read (unless they are certain breeds who are known to not get along with other males).

The girls will enjoy a break from the constant mating if they have feather loss from overmating.
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Welcome to BYC. It sounds as if you may not have enough hens. Young cockerels/roosters can be rough on hens until they develop manners. Some remain unmannerly and should end up in the crock pot.
Thanks for all the help. We had 8 hens for each roo to start with but 2 of our girls didn't make it. We have a mix of Buff O's and Australops. Everybody seemed to do well even though we weren't at 10 per roo even when they stared getting frisky. Until the recent roo wars and now the 'pullet porn' - Seems cold weather makes 'em even friskier. Think we're gonna figure out a way to split our roos.

I agree on the need for more hens. Less wear and tear on a few hens.

Great to have you aboard and enjoy BYC!

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