TeaChick's Chicks

Good =)

I've been doing well.

Nice! Remember to take lots of pictures when they hatch! =D
Oh, studies. :/ Me don't like them. haha

Not much just chill'n.
Okay, but I haven't been there in ages. lol

Good to hear!


I've always liked school, but this English teacher....

Oh, good. Have fun chill'n.

I know; I subscribed.
I candled the wrong eggs.

Now, I have to go candle again, but the other eggs. I was trying to avoid candling both sets of eggs on the same night b/c it's such a pain and so time consuming....

No more
for me tonight.
Hope you all have a good evening!!!
Okay, so I candled the right eggs (the Comet eggs with a few Leghorn eggs with them), and they look alright. Mostly, they look like they're right about day 14 (last night), so day 15 today. Still looking at a hatch date around Valentine's Day.

6 eggs (three of each)
Snoodle hasn't laid anything yet and she buried the egg I gave her yesterday.
I saw Picard trying to mate with Marigold this morning!!!!!!

I only saw the last of it: he was still holding onto the back of her neck and she was squawking and trying to get away; it was like her squawking confused him and he forgot to let go.
Hopefully that means she'll be laying soon!!!

Snoodle bowed to me in the brooder the other day!!!

Hopefully that means she'll be laying soon too!!!

A friend of mine is taking Sandy! I'm glad my friend will be getting more eggs; I hope Sandy will be happy in her new home!!! I know she will be spoiled by her new owner!!! =D

Otherwise, egg production is good. I'll probably be selling eggs soon. We just got to where we had to boil the last of the store-bought eggs for DH last week, so egg production is up to where our usage is.

I'm going to candle and lock down my Comet eggs tonight. I'll let you guys know what's up with them. I meant to candle them last night, but I had to candle the smaller batch and I can't reasonably candle both batches on the same night.

The Leghorn eggs my friend is hatching for me started chirping this morning!!! We're hoping that we'll be able to get over there so the kids can see them hatch!!!

Well, you all take care and I'll try to update you on the candling tomorrow (or later this evening, maybe???). =)

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